Rafik Absi
Rafik Absi
ECAM-EPMI, Quartz EA 7393
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An ordinary differential equation for velocity distribution and dip-phenomenon in open channel flows
R Absi
Journal of Hydraulic Research 49 (1), 82-89, 2011
Evaluation and bias correction of CHIRP rainfall estimate for rainfall-runoff simulation over Lake Ziway watershed, Ethiopia
DW Goshime, R Absi, B Ledésert
Hydrology 6 (3), 68, 2019
Concentration profiles for fine and coarse sediments suspended by waves over ripples: An analytical study with the 1-DV gradient diffusion model
R Absi
Advances in Water Resources 33 (4), 411-418, 2010
A simple eddy viscosity formulation for turbulent boundary layers near smooth walls
R Absi
Comptes rendus. Mécanique 337 (3), 158-165, 2009
Analytical solutions for the modeled k equation
R Absi
ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 75 (4), 044501, 2008
Bacterial-based additives for the production of artificial snow: What are the risks to human health?
A Lagriffoul, JL Boudenne, R Absi, JJ Ballet, JM Berjeaud, S Chevalier, ...
Science of the total environment 408 (7), 1659-1666, 2010
Turbulent diffusion of suspended particles: analysis of the turbulent Schmidt number
R Absi, S Marchandon, M Lavarde
Defect and diffusion forum 312, 794-799, 2011
Effect of near-wall treatments on airflow simulations
NE Gharbi, R Absi, A Benzaoui, EH Amara
arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.6043, 2010
Implications of water abstraction on the interconnected Central Rift Valley Lakes sub-basin of Ethiopia using WEAP
DW Goshime, AT Haile, T Rientjes, R Absi, B Ledésert, T Siegfried
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 38, 100969, 2021
Impact of water resource development plan on water abstraction and water balance of Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
DW Goshime, AT Haile, R Absi, B Ledésert
Sustainable Water Resources Management 7, 1-16, 2021
Bias-corrected CHIRP satellite rainfall for water level simulation, Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
DW Goshime, R Absi, AT Haile, B Ledésert, T Rientjes
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 25 (9), 05020024, 2020
Comment on “Turbulent diffusion of momentum and suspended particles: A finite-mixing-length theory”[Phys. Fluids 16, 2342 (2004)]
R Absi
Physics of Fluids 17 (7), 2005
An improved near-wall treatment for turbulent channel flows
N El Gharbi, R Absi, A Benzaoui, R Bennacer
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 25 (1), 41-46, 2011
A roughness and time dependent mixing length equation
R Absi
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu B 62 (4), 437-446, 2006
Impact of water abstraction on the water level of Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
DW GOSHIME, R Absi, B Ledésert
Water and Society V 239, 67, 2019
Teaching fluid mechanics for undergraduate students in applied industrial biology: from theory to atypical experiments
R Absi, C Nalpace, F Dufour, D Huet, R Bennacer, T Absi
International Journal of Engineering Education 27 (3), 550–558, 2011
Eddy viscosity and velocity profiles in fully-developed turbulent channel flows
R Absi
Fluid Dynamics 54 (1), 137-147, 2019
Adsorption studies of benzophenone-3 onto clay minerals and organosilicates: Kinetics and modelling
S Charaabi, R Absi, AM Pensé-Lhéritier, M Le Borgne, S Issa
Applied Clay Science 202, 105937, 2021
Reinvestigating the parabolic-shaped eddy viscosity profile for free surface flows
R Absi
Hydrology 8 (3), 126, 2021
Application of Dempster-Shafer theory for optimization of precipitation classification and estimation results from remote sensing data using machine learning
F Belmahdi, M Lazri, F Ouallouche, K Labadi, R Absi, S Ameur
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 100906, 2023
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