Michela Ornati, PhD
Michela Ornati, PhD
Senior Lecturer (Associate Prof.) SUPSI
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Manifesto for digital social touch in crisis
C Jewitt, S Price, J Steimle, G Huisman, L Golmohammadi, N Pourjafarian, ...
Frontiers in Computer Science 3, 754050, 2021
Looking for haptics. Touch digitalization business strategies in luxury and fashion during COVID-19 and beyond
M Ornati, N Kalbaska
Digital Business 2 (2), 100035, 2022
Fashion communication research: A way ahead
L Cantoni, F Cominelli, N Kalbaska, M Ornati, T Sádaba, P SanMiguel
Studies in Communication Sciences 20 (1), 121–125-121–125, 2020
FashionTouch in E-commerce: An Exploratory Study of Surface Haptic Interaction Experiences
M Ornati, L Cantoni
HCI International 2020. HCI in Business, Government and Organizations, 2020
Oltre il CRM. La customer experience nell'era digitale. Strategie, best practices, scenari del settore moda e lusso: La customer experience nell'era digitale. Strategie, best …
M Ornati
FrancoAngeli, 2011
Touch in text. The communication of tactility in fashion E-commerce garment descriptions
M Ornati
International Conference on Fashion communication: between tradition and …, 2021
Sizing up the body: Virtual fit platforms in fashion e-commerce
M Ornati, A Picco-Schwendener, S Marazza
International Journal of fashion studies 9 (1), 199-218, 2022
A true feel: Re-embodying the touch sense in the digital fashion experience
M Ornati
Materializing digital futures: Touch, movement, sound and vision, 205-222, 2022
Customer Relationship Management. Teorie e Tecnologie
B Francis, M Ornati
Franco Angeli, 2012
Touching the cloth: Haptics in fashion digital communication
M Ornati
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age: FACTUM 19 Fashion Communication …, 2019
Looking for haptics. Touch digitalization business strategies in luxury and fashion during COVID-19 and beyond. Digital Business 2 (2): 100035
M Ornati, N Kalbaska
A provocative call to engage with social and sensory aspects of touch
C Jewitt, S Price, J Steimle, G Huisman, L Golmohammadi, N Pourjafarian, ...
Multimodality & Society 2 (3), 261-264, 2022
A Conceptual Model of Dress Embodiment and Technological Mediation in Digital Fashion
M Ornati
International Conference on Fashion communication: between tradition and …, 2023
Fashion touch. Surface haptics in fashion E-commerce
M Ornati
International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer …, 2022
Surface Haptics and the Fashion Digital Experience (conference workshop)
M Ornati
A study of marketing collaboration between the fashion and the pop music industries with case study analysis
N Djurić, M Ornati
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, 2024
Touching the cloth
M Ornati
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