Christian Jirauschek
Christian Jirauschek
Professor für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Technische Universität München
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Terahertz quantum cascade lasers operating up to∼ 200 K with optimized oscillator strength and improved injection tunneling
S Fathololoumi, E Dupont, CWI Chan, ZR Wasilewski, SR Laframboise, ...
Optics express 20 (4), 3866-3876, 2012
Modeling techniques for quantum cascade lasers
C Jirauschek, T Kubis
Applied Physics Reviews 1 (1), 2014
Coherent instabilities in a semiconductor laser with fast gain recovery
CY Wang, L Diehl, A Gordon, C Jirauschek, FX Kärtner, A Belyanin, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 031802, 2007
Accuracy of transfer matrix approaches for solving the effective mass Schrödinger equation
C Jirauschek
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 45 (9), 1059-1067, 2009
Optical pufs reloaded
U Rührmair, C Hilgers, S Urban, A Weiershäuser, E Dinter, B Forster, ...
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013
Monte-Carlo-based spectral gain analysis for terahertz quantum cascade lasers
C Jirauschek, P Lugli
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (12), 2009
A theoretical description of Fourier domain mode locked lasers
C Jirauschek, B Biedermann, R Huber
Optics express 17 (26), 24013-24019, 2009
Time domain modeling of terahertz quantum cascade lasers for frequency comb generation
P Tzenov, D Burghoff, Q Hu, C Jirauschek
Optics express 24 (20), 23232-23247, 2016
Ultra low noise Fourier domain mode locked laser for high quality megahertz optical coherence tomography
T Pfeiffer, M Petermann, W Draxinger, C Jirauschek, R Huber
Biomedical optics express 9 (9), 4130-4148, 2018
Picosecond pulses from wavelength-swept continuous-wave Fourier domain mode-locked lasers
CM Eigenwillig, W Wieser, S Todor, BR Biedermann, T Klein, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1848, 2013
Monte Carlo study of carrier-light coupling in terahertz quantum cascade lasers
C Jirauschek
Applied Physics Letters 96 (1), 2010
Ultrafast response of harmonic modelocked THz lasers
F Wang, V Pistore, M Riesch, H Nong, PB Vigneron, R Colombelli, ...
Light: Science & Applications 9 (1), 51, 2020
Dynamics of actively mode-locked quantum cascade lasers
VM Gkortsas, C Wang, L Kuznetsova, L Diehl, A Gordon, C Jirauschek, ...
Optics express 18 (13), 13616-13630, 2010
Comparative analysis of resonant phonon THz quantum cascade lasers
C Jirauschek, G Scarpa, P Lugli, MS Vitiello, G Scamarcio
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (8), 2007
Optoelectronic Device Simulations Based on Macroscopic Maxwell–Bloch Equations
C Jirauschek, M Riesch, P Tzenov
Advanced Theory and Simulations, 1900018, 2019
High-yield transfer printing of metal–insulator–metal nanodiodes
M Bareiß, F Ante, D Kälblein, G Jegert, C Jirauschek, G Scarpa, B Fabel, ...
ACS nano 6 (3), 2853-2859, 2012
Instantaneous lineshape analysis of Fourier domain mode-locked lasers
S Todor, B Biedermann, W Wieser, R Huber, C Jirauschek
Optics express 19 (9), 8802-8807, 2011
Method For Security Purposes
U Ruehrmair, M Stutzmann, J Finley, C Jirauschek, G Csaba, P Lugli, ...
US Patent App. 13/250,534, 2012
Temperature performance analysis of terahertz quantum cascade lasers: Vertical versus diagonal designs
A Mátyás, MA Belkin, P Lugli, C Jirauschek
Applied physics letters 96 (20), 2010
Passive and hybrid mode locking in multi-section terahertz quantum cascade lasers
P Tzenov, I Babushkin, R Arkhipov, M Arkhipov, N Rosanov, U Morgner, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (5), 053055, 2018
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