Erik H. Clayton
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Frequency-dependent viscoelastic parameters of mouse brain tissue estimated by MR elastography
EH Clayton, JR Garbow, PV Bayly
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (8), 2391, 2011
Transmission, attenuation and reflection of shear waves in the human brain
EH Clayton, GM Genin, PV Bayly
J. R. Soc. Interface, 2012
Viscoelastic properties of soft gels: comparison of magnetic resonance elastography and dynamic shear testing in the shear wave regime
RJ Okamoto, EH Clayton, PV Bayly
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (19), 6379, 2011
Experimental Imaging Data for the Development and Validation of Brain Biomechanics Models
PV Bayly, EH Clayton, GM Genin
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 14 (1), 369-396, 2012
Viscoelastic properties of the ferret brain measured in vivo at multiple frequencies by magnetic resonance elastography
Y Feng, EH Clayton, Y Chang, RJ Okamoto, PV Bayly
Journal of biomechanics 46 (5), 863-870, 2013
Damage detection and correlation-based localization using wireless mote sensors
EH Clayton, BH Koh, G Xing, CL Fok, SJ Dyke, C Lu
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on, Mediterrean …, 2005
A longitudinal magnetic resonance elastography study of murine brain tumors following radiation therapy
Y Feng, EH Clayton, RJ Okamoto, J Engelbach, PV Bayly, JR Garbow
Physics in Medicine & Biology 61 (16), 6121, 2016
Structural health monitoring for large structures using ambient vibrations
J Caicedo, EH Clayton, SJ Dyke, M Abe, J Tokyo
Proceedings of the ICANCEER Conference, Hong Kong, 379-384, 2002
Responsive satellites and the need for structural health monitoring
BJ Arritt, A Kumar, S Buckley, R Hannum, J Welsh, S Beard, X Qin, ...
Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace …, 2007
Mechanical properties of viscoelastic media by local frequency estimation of divergence-free wave fields
EH Clayton, RJ Okamoto, PV Bayly
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 135, 540, 2013
Structural health monitoring: an enabler for responsive satellites
BJ Arritt, LM Robertson, BK Henderson, L Ouyang, S Beard, E Clayton, ...
Health monitoring of structural and biological systems 2008 6935, 336-345, 2008
Extension of the optimised virtual fields method to estimate viscoelastic material parameters from 3D dynamic displacement fields
N Connesson, EH Clayton, PV Bayly, F Pierron
Strain 51 (2), 110-134, 2015
Off-the-shelf modal analysis: Structural health monitoring with motes
EH Clayton, Y Qian, O Orjih, SJ Dyke, A Mita, C Lu
Proceedings of the 24th International Modal Analysis Conference, 2006
Application of ARMAV for modal identification of the Emerson Bridge
W Song, D Giraldo, EH Clayton, SJ Dyke, JM Caicedo
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance …, 2006
Damage state evaluation of experimental and simulated bolted joints using chaotic ultrasonic waves
TR Fasel, MB Kennel, MD Todd, EH Clayton, G Park
Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal 5 (4), 329-344, 2009
Active ultrasonic joint integrity adjudication for real-time structural health monitoring
EH Clayton, MB Kennel, TR Fasel, MD Todd, MC Stabb, BJ Arritt
Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2008 6935, 181-191, 2008
Measurement of brain biomechanics in vivo by magnetic resonance imaging
PV Bayly, EH Clayton, Y Feng, T Abney, R Namani, RJ Okamoto, ...
Application of imaging techniques to mechanics of materials and structures …, 2013
Frequency Correlation-based Structural Health Monitoring with Smart Wireless Sensors
EH Clayton
Washington University in St. Louis, Civil Eng, 2006
Development of an experimental model for the study of infrastructure preservation
EH Clayton, BF Spencer Jr
National Conference on Undergraduate Research, 2002
Julia Case History of the Stimulation and Lower Completion to Meet the 10kpsi Drawdown Tertiary Challenge.
JD Amoruso, E Templeton-Barrett, MT Hecker, CA Corbell, G Kao, ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition 17, 2018
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