Eveline Rosseel
Eveline Rosseel
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Optimal control with stochastic PDE constraints and uncertain controls
E Rosseel, GN Wells
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 213, 152-167, 2012
Iterative solvers for the stochastic finite element method
E Rosseel, S Vandewalle
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (1), 372-397, 2010
Algebraic multigrid for stationary and time‐dependent partial differential equations with stochastic coefficients
E Rosseel, T Boonen, S Vandewalle
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 15 (2‐3), 141-163, 2008
Fourier mode analysis of multigrid methods for partial differential equations with random coefficients
B Seynaeve, E Rosseel, B Nicolaï, S Vandewalle
Journal of Computational Physics 224 (1), 132-149, 2007
Performance improvements and new solution strategies of Actran/TM for nacelle simulations
B Van Antwerpen, Y Detandt, D Copiello, E Rosseel, E Gaudry
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2315, 2014
Iterative solvers for a spectral Galerkin approach to elliptic partial differential equations with fuzzy coefficients
S Corveleyn, E Rosseel, S Vandewalle
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (5), S420-S444, 2013
Nonlinear stochastic Galerkin and collocation methods: application to a ferromagnetic cylinder rotating at high speed
E Rosseel, H De Gersem, S Vandewalle
TW Reports, 2009
Optimal design of the acoustic treatments damping the noise radiated by a turbo-fan engine
B van Den Nieuwenhof, Y Detandt, G Lielens, E Rosseel, C Soize, ...
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4035, 2017
Robust Design of Acoustic Treatments for Powertrain Noise Radiation
P Mordillat, C Dutrion, B Petit, E Rosseel, B Van den Nieuwenhof
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Spectral stochastic simulation of a ferromagnetic cylinder rotating at high speed
E Rosseel, H De Gersem, S Vandewalle
IEEE transactions on magnetics 47 (5), 1182-1185, 2011
Newton-multigrid for biological reaction-diffusion problems with random coefficients
E Rosseel, N Scheerlinck, S Vandewalle
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 5 (1), 62-84, 2012
A generic approach to capitalize manufacturing experience in design and optimization
P Eykens, F Naets, E Deckers, E Rosseel, H Schuette, I Koutla, R Diltoer, ...
Resource Efficient Vehicle Conference, 2021
Interpolation methods to compute statistics of a stochastic partial differential equation
D Steffes-lai, E Rosseel, T Clees
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.3853, 2013
Iterative solvers and stabilisation for mixed electrostatic and magnetostatic formulations
G Deliége, E Rosseel, S Vandewalle
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 215 (2), 348-356, 2008
Performing acoustic, vibro-acoustic and aero-acoustic computations using MUMPS
E Rosseel
Optimal control problems constrained by elliptic stochastic partial differential equations
E Rosseel
Doctoral seminar course HOP47A, Date: 2011/11/30-2011/11/30, Location: Leuven, 2011
Multigrid algorithms for stochastic finite element computations: method and applications
E Rosseel, N Scheerlinck, GN Wells, S Vandewalle
GAMM Annual Meeting, Date: 2011/04/18-2011/04/21, Location: Graz, Austria, 2011
Multigrid solvers for stochastic PDEs with application to biological reaction-diffusion problems
E Rosseel, N Scheerlinck, S Vandewalle
Domain Decomposition, Date: 2011/02/07-2011/02/11, Location: San Diego, USA, 2011
Computer code in support of paper'Optimal control with stochastic PDE constraints and uncertain controls'
E Rosseel, GN Wells
Numerical solution of partial differential equations with random coefficients: a stochastic finite element approach
E Rosseel
Engineering Department Micromechanics Seminars, Date: 2010/11/26-2010/11/26 …, 2010
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