Jérôme Frisch
Jérôme Frisch
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Data-driven heating and cooling load predictions for non-residential buildings based on support vector machine regression and NARX Recurrent Neural Network: A comparative study …
D Koschwitz, J Frisch, C Van Treeck
Energy 165, 134-142, 2018
MVD based information exchange between BIM and building energy performance simulation
S Pinheiro, R Wimmer, J O’Donnell, S Muhic, V Bazjanac, T Maile, ...
Automation in Construction 90, 91-103, 2018
Window opening model using deep learning methods
R Markovic, E Grintal, D Wölki, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Building and Environment 145, 319-329, 2018
Real-time human skin temperature analysis using thermal image recognition for thermal comfort assessment
H Metzmacher, D Wölki, C Schmidt, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy and Buildings 158, 1063-1078, 2018
Information modelling for urban building energy simulation—A taxonomic review
A Malhotra, J Bischof, A Nichersu, KH Häfele, J Exenberger, D Sood, ...
Building and environment 208, 108552, 2022
Visualization of indoor thermal environment on mobile devices based on augmented reality and computational fluid dynamics
JR Lin, J Cao, JP Zhang, C van Treeck, J Frisch
Automation in Construction 103, 26-40, 2019
An open framework for integrated BIM-based building performance simulation using Modelica
P Remmen, J Cao, S Ebertshäuser, J Frisch, M Lauster, T Maile, ...
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015, 2015
Facade geometry generation from low-resolution aerial photographs for building energy modeling
J Cao, H Metzmacher, J O'Donnell, J Frisch, V Bazjanac, L Kobbelt, ...
Building and Environment 123, 601-624, 2017
Comparison of different classification algorithms for the detection of user's interaction with windows in office buildings
R Markovic, S Wolf, J Cao, E Spinnräker, D Wölki, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy Procedia 122, 337-342, 2017
Integrated thermal comfort analysis using a parametric manikin model for interactive real-time simulation
C Van Treeck, J Frisch, M Pfaffinger, E Rank, S Paulke, I Schweinfurth, ...
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2 (4), 233-250, 2009
Model view definition for advanced building energy performance simulation
SV Pinheiro, R Wimmer, T Maile, J O'Donnell
Proceedings of CESBP/BauSim 2016-IBPSA, 2016
Indoor environment data time-series reconstruction using autoencoder neural networks
A Liguori, R Markovic, TTH Dam, J Frisch, C van Treeck, F Causone
Building and Environment 191, 107623, 2021
Urban energy simulations using open CityGML models: A comparative analysis
A Malhotra, M Shamovich, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy and Buildings 255, 111658, 2022
SpaRSE-BIM: Classification of IFC-based geometry via sparse convolutional neural networks
C Emunds, N Pauen, V Richter, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Advanced Engineering Informatics 53, 101641, 2022
Learning short-term past as predictor of window opening-related human behavior in commercial buildings
R Markovic, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy and Buildings 185, 1-11, 2019
Implementation of advanced BIM-based mapping rules for automated conversions to Modelica
R Wimmer, J Cao, P Remmen, T Maile, J O'Donnell, J Frisch, R Streblow, ...
Proceedings of the 14th IBPSA Conference, 419-426, 2015
A sliding window technique for interactive high-performance computing scenarios
RP Mundani, J Frisch, V Varduhn, E Rank
Advances in Engineering Software 84, 21-30, 2015
Day-ahead prediction of plug-in loads using a long short-term memory neural network
R Markovic, E Azar, MK Annaqeeb, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Energy and Buildings 234, 110667, 2021
IFCNet: A benchmark dataset for IFC entity classification
C Emunds, N Pauen, V Richter, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Proceedings of the EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in …, 2021
Parametric study of the different level of detail of CityGML and energy-ADE information for energy performance simulations
A Malhotra, M Shamovich, J Frisch, C van Treeck
Building simulation 2019 16, 3429-3436, 2019
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