Igor M Rouzine
Igor M Rouzine
Sonstige NamenIgor M Ruzin
Head of Population genetics & virology, Sechenov IEPhB RAS, St Petersburg, Russia
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Thermoelectric response of an interacting two-dimensional electron gas in a quantizing magnetic field
NR Cooper, BI Halperin, IM Ruzin
Physical Review B 55 (4), 2344, 1997
The solitary wave of asexual evolution
IM Rouzine, J Wakeley, JM Coffin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (2), 587-592, 2003
A hardwired HIV latency program
BS Razooky, A Pai, K Aull, IM Rouzine, LS Weinberger
Cell 160 (5), 990-1001, 2015
Distribution of fixed beneficial mutations and the rate of adaptation in asexual populations
BH Good, IM Rouzine, DJ Balick, O Hallatschek, MM Desai
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (13), 4950-4955, 2012
Transition between stochastic evolution and deterministic evolution in the presence of selection: general theory and application to virology
IM Rouzine, A Rodrigo, JM Coffin
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 65 (1), 151-185, 2001
Quantum transport and pinning of a one-dimensional Wigner crystal
LI Glazman, IM Ruzin, BI Shklovskii
Physical Review B 45 (15), 8454, 1992
Stochastic Coulomb blockade in a double-dot system
IM Ruzin, V Chandrasekhar, EI Levin, LI Glazman
Physical Review B 45 (23), 13469, 1992
The traveling-wave approach to asexual evolution: Muller's ratchet and speed of adaptation
IM Rouzine, É Brunet, CO Wilke
Theoretical Population Biology 73 (1), 24-46, 2008
Theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect: The two-phase model
AM Dykhne, IM Ruzin
Physical Review B 50 (4), 2369, 1994
RNA recombination enhances adaptability and is required for virus spread and virulence
Y Xiao, IM Rouzine, S Bianco, A Acevedo, EF Goldstein, M Farkov, ...
Cell Host & Microbe 19 (4), 493-503, 2016
Linkage disequilibrium test implies a large effective population number for HIV in vivo
IM Rouzine, JM Coffin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (19), 10758-10763, 1999
Estimate of effective recombination rate and average selection coefficient for HIV in chronic infection
R Batorsky, MF Kearney, SE Palmer, F Maldarelli, IM Rouzine, JM Coffin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (14), 5661-5666, 2011
An evolutionary role for HIV latency in enhancing viral transmission
IM Rouzine, AD Weinberger, LS Weinberger
Cell 160 (5), 1002-1012, 2015
Universal relation between longitudinal and transverse conductivities in quantum Hall effect
IM Ruzin, S Feng
Physical Review Letters 74, 154, 1995
Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus under selection and weak recombination
IM Rouzine, JM Coffin
Genetics 170 (1), 7-18, 2005
The stochastic edge in adaptive evolution
É Brunet, IM Rouzine, CO Wilke
Genetics 179 (1), 603-620, 2008
Hopping conductivity of metal-semiconductor metal contacts
AV Tartakovskii, MV Fistul, ME Raikh, IM Ruzin
Soviet Physics Semiconductors 21 (4), 370-373, 1987
Transmittance fluctuations in randomly non-uniform barriers and incoherent mesoscopics
ME Raikh, IM Ruzin
Mesoscopic Phenomena in Solids, 315-368, 1991
Link between immune response and parasite synchronization in malaria
IM Rouzine, FE McKenzie
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (6), 3473-3478, 2003
Fluctuations of the hopping conductance of one-dimensional systems
ME Raikh, IM Ruzin
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 68, 642-647, 1989
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