Ku-Jin Kim
Ku-Jin Kim
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Towards valid parametric CAD models
CM Hoffmann, KJ Kim
Computer-Aided Design 33 (1), 81-90, 2001
Vehicle color classification based on the support vector machine method
N Baek, SM Park, KJ Kim, SB Park
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of …, 2007
Deciding the number of color histogram bins for vehicle color recognition
KJ Kim, SM Park, YJ Choi
2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, 134-138, 2008
Minimum distance between a canal surface and a simple surface
KJ Kim
Computer-Aided Design 35 (10), 871-879, 2003
The perspective silhouette of a canal surface
KJ Kim, IK Lee
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (1), 15-22, 2003
Torus/sphere intersection based on a configuration space approach
KJ Kim, MS Kim, K Oh
Graphical models and image processing 60 (1), 77-92, 1998
Retrieval of identical clothing images based on local color histograms
YJ Choi, KJ Kim, Y Nam, WD Cho
2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information …, 2008
Cytotoxicity of steroid-saponins from the tuber of Liriope platyphylla WT
NI Baek, SJ Cho, MH Bang, I Lee, C Park, M Kim, K Kim, J Sung
Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology 41, 390-394, 1998
Shrinking: Another method for surface reconstruction
IK Lee, KJ Kim
Geometric Modeling and Processing, 2004. Proceedings, 259-266, 2004
A convolution kernel method for color recognition
JW Son, SB Park, KJ Kim
Sixth International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web …, 2007
Minimum distance between two sphere-swept surfaces
K Lee, JK Seong, KJ Kim, SJ Hong
Computer-Aided Design 39 (6), 452-459, 2007
Computing isophotos of surface of revolution and canal surface
KJ Kim, IK Lee
Computer-aided design 35 (3), 215-223, 2003
Kinematic analysis of spatial fixed-axis higher pairs using configuration spaces
KJ Kim, E Sacks, L Joskowicz
Computer-Aided Design 35 (3), 279-291, 2003
Fuzzy-based trusted routing to mitigate packet dropping attack between data aggregation points in smart grid communication network
GK Pugalendhi, D Velusamy, A Paul, KJ Kim
Computing 99, 81-106, 2017
GPU accelerated molecular surface computing
B Kim, KJ Kim, JK Seong
Appl. Math 6 (1S), 185S-194S, 2012
Perspective silhouette of a general swept volume
JK Seong, KJ Kim, MS Kim, G Elber
The Visual Computer 22, 109-116, 2006
Intersecting a freeform surface with a general swept surface
JK Seong, KJ Kim, MS Kim, G Elber, RR Martin
Computer-Aided Design 37 (5), 473-483, 2005
Color recognition with compact color features
SM Park, KJ Kim
International Journal of Communication Systems 25 (6), 749-762, 2012
Torus and simple surface intersection based on a configuration space approach
KJ Kim
Ph. D. thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, 1998
A hybrid parallel solver for systems of multivariate polynomials using CPUs and GPUs
CH Park, G Elber, KJ Kim, GY Kim, JK Seong
Computer-Aided Design 43 (11), 1360-1369, 2011
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