Alan Hegarty
Alan Hegarty
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Robust computational techniques for boundary layers
P Farrell, A Hegarty, JM Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
Chapman and hall/CRC, 2000
Singularly perturbed convection–diffusion problems with boundary and weak interior layers
PA Farrell, AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 166 (1), 133-151, 2004
Global maximum norm parameter-uniform numerical method for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem with discontinuous convection coefficient
PA Farrell, AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 40 (11-12), 1375-1392, 2004
On the determination of the order of uniform convergence
PA Farrell, A Hegarty
Proceedings of IMACS 91, 501-502, 1991
Numerical solution of a convection diffusion problem with Robin boundary conditions
AR Ansari, AF Hegarty
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 156 (1), 221-238, 2003
Special meshes for finite difference approximations to an advection-diffusion equation with parabolic layers
AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
Journal of Computational Physics 117 (1), 47-54, 1995
A Comparison of Uniformly Convergent Difference Schemes for Two-Dimensional Convection—Diffusion Problems
AF Hegarty, E O'Riordan, M Stynes
Journal of Computational Physics 105 (1), 24-32, 1993
Uniform second order difference schemes for singular perturbation problems
AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O’Riordan
Boundary and interior layers—computational and asymptotic methods, 301-305, 1980
Status of fisheries resources in NSW 2013–14
J Stewart, A Hegarty, C Young, AM Fowler, J Craig
NSW Department of Primary Industries, Mosman, 391, 2015
A note on iterative methods for solving singularly perturbed problems using non-monotone methods on Shishkin meshes
AR Ansari, AF Hegarty
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 192 (33-34), 3673-3687, 2003
Robust Computational Techniques for Boundary Layers. 2000
PA Farrell, AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O’Riordan, GI Shishkin
Applied Mathematics 16, 0
Parameter robust computational methods for singularly perturbed differential equations
PA Farrell, AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O’Riordan, GI Shishkin
CRC Press, 2000
Use of central‐difference operators for solution of singularly perturbed problems
AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 10 (4), 297-302, 1994
A note on fitted operator methods for a laminar jet problem
AR Ansari, AF Hegarty, GI Shishkin
Applied numerical mathematics 45 (4), 353-365, 2003
A multifaceted approach to modelling growth of the Australian bonito, Sarda australis (Family Scombridae), with some observations on its reproductive biology
J Stewart, WD Robbins, K Rowling, A Hegarty, A Gould
Marine and Freshwater Research 64 (7), 671-678, 2013
Parameter‐uniform numerical methods for a laminar jet problem
AR Ansari, AF Hegarty, GI Shishkin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 43 (8), 937-951, 2003
Special numerical methods for convection-dominated laminar flows at arbitrary Reynolds number
AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
East-West J. Numer. Math 2 (1), 65-74, 1994
On the design of piecewise uniform meshes for solving advection-dominated transport equations to a prescribed accuracy
PA Farrell, AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O’riordan, GI Shishkin
Fast Solvers for Flow Problems: Proceedings of the Tenth GAMM-Seminar Kiel …, 1995
Special meshes for two dimensional elliptic singular perturbation problems
AF Hegarty, JJH Miller, E O'Riordan, GI Shishkin
IMACs 91, 503-504, 1991
The initiation of Guinness
OA Power, W Lee, AC Fowler, P Dellar, LW Schwartz, S Lukaschuk, ...
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