Hosein Lakzian
Hosein Lakzian
Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, 19395-4697 Tehran, I.R. of Iran.
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Fixed points for (ψ, φ)-weakly contractive mappings in generalized metric spaces
H Lakzian, B Samet
Applied Mathematics Letters 25 (5), 902-906, 2012
Best Proximity Points of -Cyclic Contractions with Property UC
H Aydi, H Lakzian, ZD Mitrović, S Radenović
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 41 (7), 871-882, 2020
New fixed point results for mappings of contractive type with an application to nonlinear fractional differential equations
H Lakzian, D Gopal, W Sintunavarat
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 18, 251-266, 2016
Fixed point results on a class of generalized metric spaces
H Aydi, E Karapinar, H Lakzian
Mathematical Sciences 6, 1-6, 2012
Fixed point theorems for w-cone distance contraction mappings in tvs-cone metric spaces
L Ćirić, H Lakzian, V Rakočević
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2012, 1-9, 2012
Nonlinear conditions for the existence of best proximity points
WS Du, H Lakzian
Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2012, 1-7, 2012
Fixed points for (φ, ψ, p)-weakly contractive mappings in metric spaces with w-distance
H Lakzian, H Aydi, BE Rhoades
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (12), 6777-6782, 2013
Some fixed point theorems using weaker Meir–Keeler function in metric spaces with w− distance
H Lakzian, BE Rhoades
Applied Mathematics and Computation 342, 18-25, 2019
Some fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces with w-distance
H Lakzian, F Arabyani
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3, 1081-1086, 2009
Extensions of Kannan contraction via w-distances
H Lakzian, V Rakočević, H Aydi
Aequationes mathematicae 93 (6), 1231-1244, 2019
On best proximity point theorems for new cyclic maps
IJ Lin, H Lakzian, Y Chou
International Mathematical Forum 7 (37), 1839-1849, 2012
The Existence of Fixed Points for Nonlinear Contractive Maps in Metric Spaces with w‐Distances
H Lakzian, IJ Lin
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012 (1), 161470, 2012
Fixed Point Results via L-Contractions on Quasi w-Distances.
S Barootkoob, H Lakzian
Journal of Mathematical Extension 15 (3), 2021
Ćirić’s and Fisher’s quasi-contractions in the framework of wt-distance
K Darko, H Lakzian, V Rakočević
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 1-15, 2021
(αψ)‐Contractive Mappings on Generalized Quasimetric Spaces
E Karapınar, H Lakzian
Journal of function spaces 2014 (1), 914398, 2014
Best proximity points for asymptotic pointwise contractions
M Gabeleh, H Lakzian
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 16 (1), 83-93, 2015
Best proximity points for weak -cyclic Kannan contractions
H Lakzian, J Lin
Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Applications 1 (1), 43-48, 2018
On convergence theorems for nonlinear mappings satisfying MT− C conditions
IJ Lin, H Lakzian, Y Chou
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (67), 3329-3337, 2012
Extensions of Meir-Keeler contraction via w-distances with an application
S Barootkoob, E Karapinar, H Lakzian, A Chanda
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 46 (4), 533-547, 2022
Biprojectivity and biflatness of bi-amalgamated Banach algebras
H Lakzian, S Barootkoob
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 47, 63-74, 2021
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