Francisco Ascui
Francisco Ascui
Professor of Environmental Accounting, Federation University Australia
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As frames collide: making sense of carbon accounting
F Ascui, H Lovell
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2011
Carbon accounting and the construction of competence
F Ascui, H Lovell
Journal of Cleaner Production 36, 48-59, 2012
Creative accounting: A critical perspective on the market-based method for reporting purchased electricity (scope 2) emissions
M Brander, M Gillenwater, F Ascui
Energy Policy 112, 29-33, 2018
Opportunities and challenges for decarbonizing steel production by creating markets for ‘green steel’ products
H Muslemani, X Liang, K Kaesehage, F Ascui, J Wilson
Journal of Cleaner Production 315, 128127, 2021
A review of carbon accounting in the social and environmental accounting literature: What can it contribute to the debate?
F Ascui
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 34 (1), 6-28, 2014
Does the fossil fuel divestment movement impact new oil and gas fundraising?
TF Cojoianu, F Ascui, GL Clark, AGF Hoepner, D Wójcik
Journal of Economic Geography 21 (1), 141-164, 2020
Carbon accounting for negative emissions technologies
M Brander, F Ascui, V Scott, S Tett
Climate Policy 21 (5), 699-717, 2021
Lessons from carbon markets for designing an effective REDD architecture
T Neeff, F Ascui
Climate Policy 9 (3), 306-315, 2009
Sensing Reality? New Monitoring Technologies for Global Sustainability Standards
F Gale, F Ascui, H Lovell
Global Environmental Politics 17 (2), 65-83, 2017
Salmon, sensors, and translation: The agency of Big Data in environmental governance
F Ascui, M Haward, H Lovell
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (5), 905-925, 2018
Implementing natural capital credit risk assessment in agricultural lending
F Ascui, TF Cojoianu
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (6), 1234-1249, 2019
Carbon capture and storage: realising the potential?
J Watson, F Kern, M Gross, R Gross, P Heptonstall, F Jones, S Haszeldine, ...
UK Energy Research Centre, 2012
From impacts to dependencies: A first global assessment of corporate biodiversity risk exposure and responses
SHC Carvalho, T Cojoianu, F Ascui
Business Strategy and the Environment 32 (5), 2600-2614, 2023
The attributional-consequential distinction and its applicability to corporate carbon accounting
M Brander, F Ascui
Corporate carbon and climate accounting, 99-120, 2015
Investor Leadership on Climate Change: An analysis of the investment community’s role on climate change, and snapshot of recent investor activity
C Mackenzie, F Ascui
UN Global Compact, 2009
Guidebook to Financing CDM Projects
F Ascui, M Kaiser, M Austin, V Helfferich
United Nations Environment Programme, 2007
On the variability of CO2 feed flows into CCS transportation and storage networks
T Spitz, V Avagyan, F Ascui, ARW Bruce, H Chalmers, M Lucquiaud
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 74, 296-311, 2018
Finding a path for REDD+ between ODA and the CDM
T Neeff, D Göhler, F Ascui
Climate Policy 13 (6), 1-18, 2013
Comparing sustainability claims with assurance in organic agriculture standards
F Ascui, AK Farmery, F Gale
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 27 (1), 22-41, 2020
Developing an evidence base for assessing natural capital risks and dependencies in lending to Australian wheat farms
TF Cojoianu, F Ascui
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 8 (2), 95-113, 2018
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