Justin Fernandez
Justin Fernandez
Associate Professor, University of Auckland
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Anatomically based geometric modelling of the musculo-skeletal system and other organs
JW Fernandez, P Mithraratne, SF Thrupp, MH Tawhai, PJ Hunter
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 2, 139-155, 2004
Non-invasive assessment of soft-tissue artifact and its effect on knee joint kinematics during functional activity
M Akbarshahi, AG Schache, JW Fernandez, R Baker, S Banks, MG Pandy
Journal of biomechanics 43 (7), 1292-1301, 2010
Evaluation of predicted knee‐joint muscle forces during gait using an instrumented knee implant
HJ Kim, JW Fernandez, M Akbarshahi, JP Walter, BJ Fregly, MG Pandy
Journal of orthopaedic research 27 (10), 1326-1331, 2009
Exotic readings of cultural texts [and comments and reply]
RM Keesing, RD Davis, A De Ruijter, JW Fernandez, JA Fishman, ...
Current Anthropology 30 (4), 459-479, 1989
Using SPH one-way coupled to DEM to model wet industrial banana screens
JW Fernandez, PW Cleary, MD Sinnott, RD Morrison
Minerals Engineering 24 (8), 741-753, 2011
Effect of screw design on hopper drawdown of spherical particles in a horizontal screw feeder
JW Fernandez, PW Cleary, W McBride
Chemical Engineering Science 66 (22), 5585-5601, 2011
An anatomically based patient-specific finite element model of patella articulation: towards a diagnostic tool
JW Fernandez, PJ Hunter
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 4, 20-38, 2005
Integrating modelling and experiments to assess dynamic musculoskeletal function in humans
JW Fernandez, MG Pandy
Experimental physiology 91 (2), 371-382, 2006
Foot morphological difference between habitually shod and unshod runners
Y Shu, Q Mei, J Fernandez, Z Li, N Feng, Y Gu
PloS one 10 (7), e0131385, 2015
Lower limb estimation from sparse landmarks using an articulated shape model
J Zhang, J Fernandez, J Hislop-Jambrich, TF Besier
Journal of biomechanics 49 (16), 3875-3881, 2016
Integration from proteins to organs: the IUPS Physiome Project
P Hunter, N Smith, J Fernandez, M Tawhai
Mechanisms of ageing and development 126 (1), 187-192, 2005
Subject-specific finite element analysis to characterize the influence of geometry and material properties in Achilles tendon rupture
VB Shim, JW Fernandez, PB Gamage, C Regnery, DW Smith, ...
Journal of biomechanics 47 (15), 3598-3604, 2014
Foot pronation contributes to altered lower extremity loading after long distance running
Q Mei, Y Gu, L Xiang, JS Baker, J Fernandez
Frontiers in physiology 10, 573, 2019
Alterations of pregnant gait during pregnancy and post-partum
Q Mei, Y Gu, J Fernandez
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-7, 2018
Machine learning methods to support personalized neuromusculoskeletal modelling
DJ Saxby, BA Killen, C Pizzolato, CP Carty, LE Diamond, L Modenese, ...
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 19, 1169-1185, 2020
A comparative biomechanical analysis of habitually unshod and shod runners based on a foot morphological difference
Q Mei, J Fernandez, W Fu, N Feng, Y Gu
Human movement science 42, 38-53, 2015
Evaluating function in the hallux valgus foot following a 12-week minimalist footwear intervention: A pilot computational analysis
L Xiang, Q Mei, A Wang, V Shim, J Fernandez, Y Gu
Journal of Biomechanics 132, 110941, 2022
A biomechanical investigation of right-forward lunging step among badminton players
Q Mei, Y Gu, F Fu, J Fernandez
Journal of sports sciences 35 (5), 457-462, 2017
Modelling the passive and nerve activated response of the rectus femoris muscle to a flexion loading: a finite element framework
JW Fernandez, ML Buist, DP Nickerson, PJ Hunter
Medical engineering & physics 27 (10), 862-870, 2005
Foot strike patterns differ between children and adolescents growing up barefoot vs. shod
K Hollander, JE De Villiers, R Venter, S Sehner, K Wegscheider, ...
International Journal of Sports Medicine 39 (02), 97-103, 2018
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