Guido Maria Cortelazzo
Guido Maria Cortelazzo
Professor Department of Information Engineering until 2014, University of Padova
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A noise-robust frequency domain technique for estimating planar roto-translations
L Lucchese, GM Cortelazzo
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 48 (6), 1769-1786, 2000
Time-of-flight and structured light depth cameras
P Zanuttigh, G Marin, C Dal Mutto, F Dominio, L Minto, GM Cortelazzo
Technology and Applications 978 (3), 2016
Time-of-flight cameras and Microsoft KinectTM
C Dal Mutto, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
A frequency domain technique for range data registration
L Lucchese, G Doretto, GM Cortelazzo
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24 (11), 1468 …, 2002
Trademark shapes description by string-matching techniques
G Cortelazzo, GA Mian, G Vezzi, P Zamperoni
Pattern Recognition 27 (8), 1005-1018, 1994
Time-of-flight cameras and microsoft kinect (TM)
CD Mutto, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2012
Marker-less motion capture of skinned models in a four camera set-up using optical flow and silhouettes
L Ballan, GM Cortelazzo
3DPVT, 2008
Simultaneous design in both magnitude and group-delay of IIR and FIR filters based on multiple criterion optimization
G Cortelazzo, M Lightner
IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 32 (5), 949-967, 1984
Automatic 3D modeling of textured cultural heritage objects
M Andreetto, N Brusco, GM Cortelazzo
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13 (3), 354-369, 2004
Hand gesture recognition with depth data
F Dominio, M Donadeo, G Marin, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE international workshop on Analysis and …, 2013
Fusion of geometry and color information for scene segmentation
C Dal Mutto, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (5), 505-521, 2012
A probabilistic approach to tof and stereo data fusion
C Dal Mutto, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
3DPVT, Paris, France 2, 69, 2010
3D registration by textured spin-images
M Brusco, M Andreetto, A Giorgi, GM Cortelazzo
Fifth International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM'05 …, 2005
A system for 3D modeling frescoed historical buildings with multispectral texture information
N Brusco, S Capeleto, M Fedel, A Paviotti, L Poletto, GM Cortelazzo, ...
Machine Vision and Applications 17, 373-393, 2006
Compression of depth information for 3D rendering
P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
2009 3DTV Conference: The True Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of …, 2009
A novel interpolation scheme for range data with side information
V Garro, C Dal Mutto, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
2009 Conference for Visual Media Production, 52-60, 2009
Locally consistent tof and stereo data fusion
C Dal Mutto, P Zanuttigh, S Mattoccia, G Cortelazzo
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations: Florence, Italy …, 2012
Probabilistic tof and stereo data fusion based on mixed pixels measurement models
C Dal Mutto, P Zanuttigh, GM Cortelazzo
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 37 (11), 2260 …, 2015
Estimation of two-dimensional affine transformations through polar curve matching and its application to image mosaicking and remote-sensing data registration
L Lucchese, S Leorin, GM Cortelazzo
IEEE transactions on image processing 15 (10), 3008-3019, 2006
Noise reduction in muon tomography for detecting high density objects
M Benettoni, G Bettella, G Bonomi, G Calvagno, P Calvini, P Checchia, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (12), P12007, 2013
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