Fuyixue Wang
Fuyixue Wang
Assistant Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
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High‐resolution in vivo diffusion imaging of the human brain with generalized slice dithered enhanced resolution: Simultaneous multislice (g S lider‐SMS)
K Setsompop, Q Fan, J Stockmann, B Bilgic, S Huang, SF Cauley, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 79 (1), 141-151, 2018
Echo planar time‐resolved imaging (EPTI)
F Wang, Z Dong, TG Reese, B Bilgic, M Katherine Manhard, J Chen, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 81 (6), 3599-3615, 2019
Connectome 2.0: Developing the next-generation ultra-high gradient strength human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso-and macro-connectome
SY Huang, T Witzel, B Keil, A Scholz, M Davids, P Dietz, E Rummert, ...
NeuroImage 243, 118530, 2021
In vivo human whole-brain Connectom diffusion MRI dataset at 760 µm isotropic resolution
F Wang, Z Dong, Q Tian, C Liao, Q Fan, WS Hoge, B Keil, JR Polimeni, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 122, 2021
Tilted‐CAIPI for highly accelerated distortion‐free EPI with point spread function (PSF) encoding
Z Dong, F Wang, TG Reese, MK Manhard, B Bilgic, LL Wald, H Guo, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 81 (1), 377-392, 2019
Optimal deep brain stimulation sites and networks for stimulation of the fornix in Alzheimer’s disease
AS Ríos, S Oxenford, C Neudorfer, K Butenko, N Li, N Rajamani, A Boutet, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 7707, 2022
Distortion‐free, high‐isotropic‐resolution diffusion MRI with gSlider BUDA‐EPI and multicoil dynamic B0 shimming
C Liao, B Bilgic, Q Tian, JP Stockmann, X Cao, Q Fan, SS Iyer, F Wang, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 86 (2), 791-803, 2021
Echo planar time‐resolved imaging with subspace reconstruction and optimized spatiotemporal encoding
Z Dong, F Wang, TG Reese, B Bilgic, K Setsompop
Magnetic resonance in medicine 84 (5), 2442-2455, 2020
3D Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging (3D-EPTI) for ultrafast multi-parametric quantitative MRI
F Wang, Z Dong, TG Reese, B Rosen, LL Wald, K Setsompop
Neuroimage 250, 118963, 2022
Motion‐robust sub‐millimeter isotropic diffusion imaging through motion corrected generalized slice dithered enhanced resolution (MC‐gSlider) acquisition
F Wang, B Bilgic, Z Dong, MK Manhard, N Ohringer, B Zhao, M Haskell, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 80 (5), 1891-1906, 2018
Interleaved EPI diffusion imaging using SPIR i T‐based reconstruction with virtual coil compression
Z Dong, F Wang, X Ma, Z Zhang, E Dai, C Yuan, H Guo
Magnetic resonance in medicine 79 (3), 1525-1531, 2018
Variable flip angle echo planar time-resolved imaging (vFA-EPTI) for fast high-resolution gradient echo myelin water imaging
Z Dong, F Wang, KS Chan, TG Reese, B Bilgic, JP Marques, ...
NeuroImage 232, 117897, 2021
Comprehensive diffusion MRI dataset for in vivo human brain microstructure mapping using 300 mT/m gradients
Q Tian, Q Fan, T Witzel, MN Polackal, NA Ohringer, C Ngamsombat, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 7, 2022
Motion‐corrected k‐space reconstruction for interleaved EPI diffusion imaging
Z Dong, F Wang, X Ma, E Dai, Z Zhang, H Guo
Magnetic resonance in medicine 79 (4), 1992-2002, 2018
Phase-matched virtual coil reconstruction for highly accelerated diffusion echo-planar imaging
C Liao, MK Manhard, B Bilgic, Q Tian, Q Fan, S Han, F Wang, DJ Park, ...
NeuroImage 194, 291-302, 2019
Model‐based reconstruction for simultaneous multislice and parallel imaging accelerated multishot diffusion tensor imaging
Z Dong, E Dai, F Wang, Z Zhang, X Ma, C Yuan, H Guo
Medical physics 45 (7), 3196-3204, 2018
Propeller echo‐planar time‐resolved imaging with dynamic encoding (PEPTIDE)
MJ Fair, F Wang, Z Dong, TG Reese, K Setsompop
Magnetic resonance in medicine 83 (6), 2124-2137, 2020
SNR‐efficient distortion‐free diffusion relaxometry imaging using accelerated echo‐train shifted echo‐planar time‐resolving imaging (ACE‐EPTI)
Z Dong, F Wang, L Wald, K Setsompop
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 88 (1), 164-179, 2022
Simultaneous pure T2 and varying T2′-weighted BOLD fMRI using Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging for mapping cortical-depth dependent responses
F Wang, Z Dong, LL Wald, JR Polimeni, K Setsompop
Neuroimage 245, 118641, 2021
3D-EPTI for Ultra-fast Multi-contrast and Quantitative Imaging
F Wang, Z Dong, TG Reese, LL Wald, K Setsompop
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 944, 2019
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