Victor Cardenas
Victor Cardenas
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DQ transformation development for single-phase systems to compensate harmonic distortion and reactive power
M González, V Cárdenas, F Pazos
Power Electronics Congress, 2004. CIEP 2004. 9th IEEE International, 177-182, 2004
Single-phase ac-ac converter operating as a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)
J Perez, V Cárdenas, L Moran, C Núñez
IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on, 1938-1943, 2006
Analysis, design and control of a unified power-quality conditioner based on a current-source topology
PE Melín, JR Espinoza, LA Morán, JR Rodriguez, VM Cardenas, ...
IEEE transactions on power delivery 27 (4), 1727-1736, 2012
Decoupled and modular harmonic compensation for multilevel STATCOMs
JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, LA Moran, JI Guzman, VM Cardenas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (6), 2743-2753, 2014
Comparative analysis of real time reference generation techniques for four-wire shunt active power filters
V Cardenas, L Moran, A Bahamondes, J Dixon
Power Electronics Specialist Conference, 2003. PESC'03. 2003 IEEE 34th …, 2003
Practical methods for tuning PI controllers in the DC-link voltage loop in Back-to-Back power converters
J Alcalá, E Bárcenas, V Cárdenas
12th IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, 46-52, 2010
Cascade multilevel inverter with only one DC source
E Bircenas, S Ramirez, V Cardenas, R Echavarria
VIII IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, 2002. Technical …, 2002
Voltage harmonic cancellation in single-phase systems using a series active filter with a low-order controller
J Perez, V Cardenas, F Pazos, S Ramirez
Power Electronics Congress, 2002. Technical Proceedings. CIEP 2002. VIII …, 2002
Analysis and evaluation of control techniques for active power filters: sliding mode control and proportional-integral control
VM Cardenas, C Nunez, N Vazquez
APEC'99. Fourteenth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 1999
Elimination of dead time effects in three phase inverters
VM Cardenas, S Horta, R Echavarria
Power Electronics Congress, 1996. Technical Proceedings. CIEP'96., V IEEE …, 1996
Sliding mode control applied to a 3Φ shunt active power filter using compensation with instantaneous reactive power theory
V Cardenas, N Vazquez, C Herndndez
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1998. PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual …, 1998
Passivity-based control of an asymmetric nine-level inverter for harmonic current mitigation
G Sandoval, H Miranda, G Espinosa–Perez, V Cardenas
IET Power Electronics 5 (2), 237-247, 2012
A hybrid multilevel inverter for shunt active filter using space-vector control
H Miranda, V Cárdenas, J Pérez, C NÙnez
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th …, 2004
Study of the bidirectional power flow in Back-to-Back converters by using linear and nonlinear control strategies
J Alcala, V Cardenas, AR Ramírez-López, J Gudino-Lau
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011 IEEE, 806-813, 2011
Analysis and design of a three phase sliding mode controller for a shunt active power filter
V Cardenas, N Vazquez, C Hernandez, S Horta
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1999. PESC 99. 30th Annual IEEE, 1999
Detection of sags, swells, and interruptions using the digital RMS method and Kalman filter with fast response
M Gonzalez, V Cardenas, R Alvarez
IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on, 2249-2254, 2006
Sliding mode control for a single phase active filter
C Hernandez, N Vazquez, V Cardenas
6th IEEE Power Electronics Congress. Technical Proceedings. CIEP 98 (Cat. No …, 1998
Advantages of the passivity based control in dynamic voltage restorers for power quality improvement
M Gonzalez, V Cardenas, G Espinosa
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 47, 221-235, 2014
Analysis and implementation of a master-slave control based on a passivity approach for parallel inverters operation
G Perez-Ladron, V Cardenas, G Espinosa
2006 IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, 1-5, 2006
Passivity‐based control of multilevel cascade inverters: High‐performance with reduced switching frequency
D Noriega‐Pineda, G Espinosa‐Pérez, V Cardenas, J Alvarez‐Ramírez
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 20 (9), 961-974, 2010
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