Cédric Fleury
Cédric Fleury
Associate Professor of Computer Science, IMT Atlantique
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A generic model for embedding users' physical workspaces into multi-scale collaborative virtual environments
C Fleury, A Chauffaut, T Duval, V Gouranton, B Arnaldi
ICAT 2010 (20th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence), 2010
An asymmetric 2d pointer/3d ray for 3d interaction within collaborative virtual environments
T Duval, C Fleury
Proceedings of the 14th international Conference on 3D Web Technology, 33-41, 2009
Improving awareness for 3D virtual collaboration by embedding the features of users’ physical environments and by augmenting interaction tools with cognitive feedback cues
T Duval, TTH Nguyen, C Fleury, A Chauffaut, G Dumont, V Gouranton
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 8, 187-197, 2014
Guiding techniques for collaborative exploration in multi-scale shared virtual environments
TTH Nguyen, T Duval, C Fleury
GRAPP International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications …, 2013
Evaluation of remote collaborative manipulation for scientific data analysis
C Fleury, T Duval, V Gouranton, A Steed
Proceedings of the 18th ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and …, 2012
Architectures and mechanisms to efficiently maintain consistency in collaborative virtual environments
C Fleury, T Duval, V Gouranton, B Arnaldi
Proc. of Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive …, 2010
Camray: Camera arrays support remote collaboration on wall-sized displays
I Avellino, C Fleury, WE Mackay, M Beaudouin-Lafon
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
A new adaptive data distribution model for consistency maintenance in collaborative virtual environments
C Fleury, T Duval, V Gouranton, B Arnaldi
JVRC 2010 (2010 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR-EGVE-VEC), 2010
Collaborative scientific visualization: The COLLAVIZ framework
F Dupont, T Duval, C Fleury, J Forest, V Gouranton, P Lando, T Laurent, ...
JVRC 2010 (2010 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR-EGVE-VEC), 2010
Collaborative exploration of 3d scientific data
T Duval, C Fleury, B Nouailhas, L Aguerreche
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and …, 2008
Remote collaboration across heterogeneous large interactive spaces
C Fleury, N Ferey, JM Vézien, P Bourdot
2015 IEEE Second VR international workshop on collaborative virtual …, 2015
Accuracy of deictic gestures to support telepresence on wall-sized displays
I Avellino, C Fleury, M Beaudouin-Lafon
Proceedings of the 33rd annual acm conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Embedding the features of the users' physical environments to improve the feeling of presence in collaborative Virtual Environments
T Duval, H Nguyen, C Fleury, A Chauffaut, G Dumont, V Gouranton
2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2012
PAC-C3D: A new software architectural model for designing 3d collaborative virtual environments
T Duval, C Fleury
ICAT 2011, 53-60, 2011
Collaborative exploration in a multi-scale shared virtual environment
TTH Nguyen, C Fleury, T Duval
2012 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 181-182, 2012
ShapeGuide: Shape-Based 3D Interaction for Parameter Modification of Native CAD Data
Y Okuya, N Ladeveze, C Fleury, P Bourdot
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 118, 2018
Virtual navigation considering user workspace: Automatic and manual positioning before teleportation
Y Zhang, N Ladevèze, H Nguyen, C Fleury, P Bourdot
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2020
Distributed architecture for remote collaborative modification of parametric cad data
Y Okuya, N Ladeveze, O Gladin, C Fleury, P Bourdot
2018 IEEE Fourth VR International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual …, 2018
Understanding multi-view collaboration between augmented reality and remote desktop users
A Fages, C Fleury, T Tsandilas
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW2), 1-27, 2022
Switch techniques to recover spatial consistency between virtual and real world for navigation with teleportation
Y Zhang, N Ladeveze, C Fleury, P Bourdot
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: 16th EuroVR International Conference …, 2019
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