Julien Laurat
Julien Laurat
Professor, Sorbonne Université, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris
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Generating optical Schrodinger kittens for quantum information processing
A Ourjoumtsev, R Tualle-Brouri, J Laurat, P Grangier
Science 312 (5770), 83-86, 2006
Mapping photonic entanglement into and out of a quantum memory
KS Choi, H Deng, J Laurat, HJ Kimble
Nature 452 (7183), 67-71, 2008
A quantum memory for orbital angular momentum photonic qubits
A Nicolas, L Veissier, L Giner, E Giacobino, D Maxein, J Laurat
Nature Photonics 8 (3), 234-238, 2014
Heralded entanglement between atomic ensembles: preparation, decoherence, and scaling
J Laurat, KS Choi, H Deng, CW Chou, HJ Kimble
Physical review letters 99 (18), 180504, 2007
Functional quantum nodes for entanglement distribution over scalable quantum networks
CW Chou, J Laurat, H Deng, KS Choi, H De Riedmatten, D Felinto, ...
Science 316 (5829), 1316-1320, 2007
Storage and retrieval of vector beams of light in a multiple-degree-of-freedom quantum memory
V Parigi, V D’Ambrosio, C Arnold, L Marrucci, F Sciarrino, J Laurat
Nature communications 6 (1), 7706, 2015
Remote creation of hybrid entanglement between particle-like and wave-like optical qubits
O Morin, K Huang, J Liu, H Le Jeannic, C Fabre, J Laurat
Nature Photonics 8 (7), 570-574, 2014
Entanglement of two-mode Gaussian states: characterization and experimental production and manipulation
J Laurat, G Keller, JA Oliveira-Huguenin, C Fabre, T Coudreau, A Serafini, ...
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7 (12), S577, 2005
Large Bragg reflection from one-dimensional chains of trapped atoms near a nanoscale waveguide
NV Corzo, B Gouraud, A Chandra, A Goban, AS Sheremet, ...
Physical review letters 117 (13), 133603, 2016
Waveguide-coupled single collective excitation of atomic arrays
NV Corzo, J Raskop, A Chandra, AS Sheremet, B Gouraud, J Laurat
Nature 566 (7744), 359-362, 2019
Demonstration of a memory for tightly guided light in an optical nanofiber
B Gouraud, D Maxein, A Nicolas, O Morin, J Laurat
Physical review letters 114 (18), 180503, 2015
Roadmap on all-optical processing
P Minzioni, C Lacava, T Tanabe, J Dong, X Hu, G Csaba, W Porod, ...
Journal of Optics 21 (6), 063001, 2019
Highly-efficient quantum memory for polarization qubits in a spatially-multiplexed cold atomic ensemble
P Vernaz-Gris, K Huang, M Cao, AS Sheremet, J Laurat
Nature communications 9 (1), 363, 2018
Optical synthesis of large-amplitude squeezed coherent-state superpositions with minimal resources
K Huang, H Le Jeannic, J Ruaudel, VB Verma, MD Shaw, F Marsili, ...
Physical review letters 115 (2), 023602, 2015
Conditional Preparation of a Quantum State in the Continuous Variable Regime:<? format?> Generation of a sub-Poissonian State from Twin Beams
J Laurat, T Coudreau, N Treps, A Maître, C Fabre
Physical review letters 91 (21), 213601, 2003
Conditional control of the quantum states of remote atomic memories for quantum networking
D Felinto, CW Chou, J Laurat, EW Schomburg, H De Riedmatten, ...
Nature Physics 2 (12), 844-848, 2006
Efficient retrieval of a single excitation stored in an atomic ensemble
J Laurat, H De Riedmatten, D Felinto, CW Chou, E Schomburg, HJ Kimble
Optics Express 14 (15), 6912, 2006
Quantum repeaters with entangled coherent states
N Sangouard, C Simon, N Gisin, J Laurat, R Tualle-Brouri, P Grangier
JOSA B 27 (6), A137-A145, 2010
Direct Measurement of Decoherence for Entanglement between<? format?> a Photon and Stored Atomic Excitation
H De Riedmatten, J Laurat, CW Chou, EW Schomburg, D Felinto, ...
Physical review letters 97 (11), 113603, 2006
Experimental investigation of the transition between Autler-Townes splitting and electromagnetically-induced-transparency models
L Giner, L Veissier, B Sparkes, AS Sheremet, A Nicolas, OS Mishina, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 013823, 2013
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