Pei-Ju Julian Lee
Pei-Ju Julian Lee
Associate Professor of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University
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Assessing the helpfulness of online hotel reviews: A classification-based approach
PJ Lee, YH Hu, KT Lu
Telematics and Informatics 35 (2), 436-445, 2018
Critical factors of ERP adoption for small-and medium-sized enterprises: An empirical study
SI Chang, SY Hung, D Yen, PJ Lee
International Comparisons of Information Communication Technologies …, 2012
Percutaneous intracerebral navigation by duty-cycled spinning of flexible bevel-tipped needles
JA Engh, DS Minhas, D Kondziolka, CN Riviere
Neurosurgery 67 (4), 1117-1123, 2010
The effect of user-controllable filters on the prediction of online hotel reviews
YH Hu, K Chen, PJ Lee
Information & Management 54 (6), 728-744, 2017
Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states
SY Chien, YL Lin, PJ Lee, S Han, M Lewis, K Sycara
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 117, 30-44, 2018
Constructing inpatient pressure injury prediction models using machine learning techniques
YH Hu, YL Lee, MF Kang, PJ Lee
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 38 (8), 415-423, 2020
Measuring performance in real time during remote human-robot operations with adjustable autonomy
D Schreckenghost, T Milam, T Fong
IEEE Intelligent Systems 25 (05), 36-45, 2010
A generalized framework for solving tightly-coupled multirobot planning problems
N Kalra, D Ferguson, A Stentz
Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2007
Scalable target detection for large robot teams
H Wang, A Kolling, N Brooks, S Owens, S Abedin, P Scerri, P Lee, ...
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction …, 2011
Hotel Recommendation System based on Review and Context Information: a Collaborative filtering Appro.
YH Hu, PJ Lee, K Chen, JM Tarn, DV Dang
PACIS, 221, 2016
Medication use and the risk of newly diagnosed diabetes in patients with epilepsy: a data mining application on a healthcare database
SF Sung, PJ Lee, CY Hsieh, WL Zheng
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 32 (2), 93-108, 2020
Tracking moving objects by a mobile camera
SW Lee, K Wohn
University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science …, 1988
Mining relations between personality traits and learning styles
PJ Lee, TY Wu
Information Processing & Management 59 (5), 103045, 2022
Cyberbullying Detection on Social Network Services.
PJ Lee, YH Hu, K Chen, JM Tarn, LE Cheng
PACIS 61, 2018
Prediction of preoperative blood preparation for orthopedic surgery patients: A supervised learning approach
CM Chang, JH Hung, YH Hu, PJ Lee, CC Shen
Applied Sciences 8 (9), 1559, 2018
Teams for teams performance in multi-human/multi-robot teams
PJ Lee, H Wang, SY Chien, M Lewis, P Scerri, P Velagapudi, K Sycara, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54 (4 …, 2010
An artificial intelligent approach to the bicycle repositioning problems
PS You, PJ Lee, YC Hsieh
Engineering computations 34 (1), 145-163, 2017
Improvement of the EIGamal based remote authentication scheme using smart cards
YC Lee, YC Hsieh, PJ Lee, PS You
Journal of applied research and technology 12 (6), 1063-1072, 2014
A natural language processing approach to automated highlighting of new information in clinical notes
YH Su, CP Chao, LC Hung, SF Sung, PJ Lee
Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2824, 2020
Towards interpretable deep extreme multi-label learning
Y Kang, IL Cheng, W Mao, B Kuo, PJ Lee
2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration …, 2019
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