Thomas Bradley
Thomas Bradley
Woodward Professor of Systems Engineering, Colorado State University
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Net-zero emissions energy systems
SJ Davis, NS Lewis, M Shaner, S Aggarwal, D Arent, IL Azevedo, ...
Science 360 (6396), eaas9793, 2018
Design, demonstrations and sustainability impact assessments for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
TH Bradley, AA Frank
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (1), 115-128, 2009
Review of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicle market modeling studies
BM Al-Alawi, TH Bradley
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 21, 190-203, 2013
Net energy and greenhouse gas emission evaluation of biodiesel derived from microalgae
L Batan, J Quinn, B Willson, T Bradley
Environmental science & technology 44 (20), 7975-7980, 2010
Advanced driver-assistance systems: A path toward autonomous vehicles
VK Kukkala, J Tunnell, S Pasricha, T Bradley
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 7 (5), 18-25, 2018
The effect of communication architecture on the availability, reliability, and economics of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle-to-grid ancillary services
C Quinn, D Zimmerle, TH Bradley
Journal of Power Sources 195 (5), 1500-1509, 2010
Smart grids: infrastructure, technology, and solutions
S Borlase
Total cost of ownership, payback, and consumer preference modeling of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
BM Al-Alawi, TH Bradley
Applied Energy 103, 488-506, 2013
Development and experimental characterization of a fuel cell powered aircraft
TH Bradley, BA Moffitt, DN Mavris, DE Parekh
Journal of Power sources 171 (2), 793-801, 2007
Investigation of battery end-of-life conditions for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
E Wood, M Alexander, TH Bradley
Journal of Power Sources 196 (11), 5147-5154, 2011
Microalgae bulk growth model with application to industrial scale systems
J Quinn, L De Winter, T Bradley
Bioresource technology 102 (8), 5083-5092, 2011
Effective Model-Based Systems Engineering
JM Borky, TH Bradley
Review of transportation hydrogen infrastructure performance and reliability
J Kurtz, S Sprik, TH Bradley
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (23), 12010-12023, 2019
Analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle utility factors
TH Bradley, CW Quinn
Journal of Power Sources 195 (16), 5399-5408, 2010
Nannochloropsis production metrics in a scalable outdoor photobioreactor for commercial applications
JC Quinn, T Yates, N Douglas, K Weyer, J Butler, TH Bradley, ...
Bioresource technology 117, 164-171, 2012
Estimating the HVAC energy consumption of plug-in electric vehicles
KR Kambly, TH Bradley
Journal of Power Sources 259, 117-124, 2014
Techno-economic and Monte Carlo probabilistic analysis of microalgae biofuel production system
LY Batan, GD Graff, TH Bradley
Bioresource technology 219, 45-52, 2016
An evaluation of state-of-charge limitations and actuation signal energy content on plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, vehicle-to-grid reliability, and economics
C Quinn, D Zimmerle, TH Bradley
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (1), 483-491, 2012
Geographical and temporal differences in electric vehicle range due to cabin conditioning energy consumption
K Kambly, TH Bradley
Journal of Power Sources 275, 468-475, 2015
Quantitative measurement of direct nitrous oxide emissions from microalgae cultivation
KD Fagerstone, JC Quinn, TH Bradley, SK De Long, AJ Marchese
Environmental science & technology 45 (21), 9449-9456, 2011
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