Manufacturing growth and financial development: evidence from OECD countries K Neusser, M Kugler Review of economics and statistics 80 (4), 638-646, 1998 | 748 | 1998 |
Time series econometrics K Neusser Springer, 2016 | 181 | 2016 |
Business cycles in open economies: Stylized facts for Austria and Germany P Brandner, K Neusser Review of World Economics 128 (1), 67-87, 1992 | 162 | 1992 |
Zeitreihenanalyse in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften K Neusser Vieweg+ Teubner, 2009 | 150 | 2009 |
Testing the long-run implications of the neoclassical growth model K Neusser Journal of Monetary Economics 27 (1), 3-37, 1991 | 135 | 1991 |
Cointegration in a macroeconomic system R Kunst, K Neusser Journal of Applied Econometrics 5 (4), 351-365, 1990 | 110 | 1990 |
Firm age and survival CF Loderer, K Neusser, U Waelchli Available at SSRN 1430408, 2011 | 91 | 2011 |
International real interest rate equalization. A multivariate time‐series approach P Kugler, K Neusser Journal of Applied Econometrics 8 (2), 163-174, 1993 | 86 | 1993 |
A forecasting comparison of some VAR techniques R Kunst, K Neusser International Journal of Forecasting 2 (4), 447-456, 1986 | 40 | 1986 |
The Emergence of Countercyclical US Fertility: Note. W Krämer, K Neusser American Economic Review 74 (1), 1984 | 31 | 1984 |
Fiscal policy in open economies H Dellas, K Neusser, M Wälti manuscript, University of Bern, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Difference equations for economists K Neusser Unpublished manuscript, October 3, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Savings, social security, and bequests in an OLG model. A simulation exercise for Austria K Neusser Journal of Economics 58 (Suppl 1), 133-155, 1993 | 18 | 1993 |
The role of sectoral shifts in the decline of real GDP volatility D Burren, K Neusser Macroeconomic Dynamics 17 (3), 477-500, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |
An algebraic interpretation of cointegration K Neusser Economics Letters 67 (3), 273-281, 2000 | 17 | 2000 |
Interdependencies of US manufacturing sectoral TFPs: A spatial VAR approach K Neusser Journal of Macroeconomics 30 (3), 991-1004, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Public capital stock and private sector produktivity in the long-run K Neusser na, 1992 | 15 | 1992 |
Improving Models of Income Dynamics Using Cross-Section-Information R Aebi, K Neusser, P Steiner Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 144, 117-151, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Prognose uni-und multivariater Zeitreihen M Deistler, K Neusser Prognoserechnung, 225-256, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
The decline in volatility of US GDP growth D Burren, K Neusser Applied Economics Letters 17 (16), 1625-1631, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |