Anela Bajric
Anela Bajric
Ørsted, Denmark, Metocean analysis and structual loads
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Evaluation of damping estimates by automated operational modal analysis for offshore wind turbine tower vibrations
A Bajrić, J Høgsberg, F Rüdinger
Renewable Energy 116, 153-163, 2018
Identification of damping and complex modes in structural vibrations
A Bajrić, J Høgsberg
Journal of Sound and Vibration 431, 367-389, 2018
Estimation of hysteretic damping of structures by stochastic subspace identification
A Bajrić, J Høgsberg
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 105, 36-50, 2018
Joint parameter-input estimation for digital twinning of the Block Island wind turbine using output-only measurements
M Song, B Moaveni, H Ebrahimian, E Hines, A Bajric
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 198, 110425, 2023
One year monitoring of an offshore wind turbine: Variability of modal parameters to ambient and operational conditions
M Song, NP Mehr, B Moaveni, E Hines, H Ebrahimian, A Bajric
Engineering Structures 297, 117022, 2023
Evaluation of damping using time domain OMA techniques
A Bajric, R Brincker, CT Georgakis
2014 SEM Fall Conference and International Symposium on Intensive Loading …, 2014
Evaluation of damping estimates in the presence of closely spaced modes using operational modal analysis techniques
A Bajric, R Brincker, S Thöns
6th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, 2015
Evaluation of damping using frequency domain operational modal analysis techniques
A Bajrić, CT Georgakis, R Brincker
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, A …, 2015
Sensing and rating of vehicle–railroad bridge collision
S Vemuganti, A Ozdagli, B Liu, A Bajric, F Moreu, MRW Brake, K Troyer
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 35th IMAC, A …, 2017
Experimentelle Bestimmung der Dämpfung eines Bauwerkes am Beispiel einer Fußgängerbrücke-Worauf man achten sollte
R Cantieni, A Bajric, R Brincker
Bauingenieur: Die richtungweisende Zeitschrift im Bauingenieurwesen 91 (4 …, 2016
System identication of a linearized hysteretic system using covariance driven stochastic subspace identication
A Bajric
Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, 2016
Damping Characteristics of a Footbridge: Mysteries and Truths
R Cantieni, A Bajrić, R Brincker
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A …, 2016
Sensitivity of modal parameters of an offshore wind turbine to operational and environmental factors: A numerical study
N Partovi-Mehr, E Branlard, A Bajric, S Liberatore, EM Hines, B Moaveni
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2022
Identification of damping from structural vibrations
A Bajric
DTU Mechanical Engineering, 2017
Impact Rating System for Vehicle? Railway Bridge Collision.
S Vemuganti, A Ozdagli, B Liu, A Bajric, F Moreu, MRW Brake, KL Troyer
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2016
Experimental Regulation of the Damping of a Building in the Example of a Footbridge-What one should pay attention to
R Cantieni, A Bajric, R Brincker
BAUINGENIEUR 91, S2-S9, 2016
Wireless Sensor Monitoring Test Documentation for UCSD Shake Tests
Y Liao, A Bajric
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