Eva K Lee
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Systems biology approach predicts immunogenicity of the yellow fever vaccine in humans
TD Querec, RS Akondy, EK Lee, W Cao, HI Nakaya, D Teuwen, A Pirani, ...
Nature immunology 10 (1), 116-125, 2009
Systems biology of vaccination for seasonal influenza in humans
HI Nakaya, J Wrammert, EK Lee, L Racioppi, S Marie-Kunze, WN Haining, ...
Nature immunology 12 (8), 786-795, 2011
Predicting aberrant CpG island methylation
FA Feltus, EK Lee, JF Costello, C Plass, PM Vertino
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (21), 12253-12258, 2003
Systems analysis of immunity to influenza vaccination across multiple years and in diverse populations reveals shared molecular signatures
HI Nakaya, T Hagan, SS Duraisingham, EK Lee, M Kwissa, N Rouphael, ...
Immunity 43 (6), 1186-1198, 2015
Systems analysis of protective immune responses to RTS, S malaria vaccination in humans
D Kazmin, HI Nakaya, EK Lee, MJ Johnson, R Van Der Most, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (9), 2425-2430, 2017
Integer programming applied to intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning
EK Lee, T Fox, I Crocker
Annals of Operations Research 119, 165-181, 2003
Systems and methods for global optimization of treatment planning for external beam radiation therapy
EK Lee
US Patent 7,046,762, 2006
Treatment planning for prostate implants using magnetic-resonance spectroscopy imaging
M Zaider, MJ Zelefsky, EK Lee, KL Zakian, HI Amols, J Dyke, G Cohen, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 47 (4), 1085-1096, 2000
Modeling and optimizing the public-health infrastructure for emergency response
EK Lee, CH Chen, F Pietz, B Benecke
Interfaces 39 (5), 476-490, 2009
DNA motifs associated with aberrant CpG island methylation
FA Feltus, EK Lee, JF Costello, C Plass, PM Vertino
Genomics 87 (5), 572-579, 2006
Anaesthetic depth and complications after major surgery: an international, randomised controlled trial
TG Short, D Campbell, C Frampton, MTV Chan, PS Myles, TB Corcoran, ...
The Lancet 394 (10212), 1907-1914, 2019
High-resolution mapping of h1 linker histone variants in embryonic stem cells
K Cao, N Lailler, Y Zhang, A Kumar, K Uppal, Z Liu, EK Lee, H Wu, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (4), e1003417, 2013
Simultaneous beam geometry and intensity map optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy
EK Lee, T Fox, I Crocker
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 64 (1), 301-320, 2006
Large-scale dispensing for emergency response to bioterrorism and infectious-disease outbreak
EK Lee, S Maheshwary, J Mason, W Glisson
Interfaces 36 (6), 591-607, 2006
Systems and methods for global optimization of treatment planning for external beam radiation therapy
EK Lee
US Patent 6,546,073, 2003
Treatment planning for brachytherapy: an integer programming model, two computational approaches and experiments with permanent prostate implant planning
EK Lee, RJ Gallagher, D Silvern, CS Wuu, M Zaider
Physics in Medicine & Biology 44 (1), 145, 1999
Decision support system for mass dispensing of medications for infectious disease outbreaks and bioterrorist attacks
EK Lee, S Maheshwary, J Mason, W Glisson
Annals of Operations Research 148, 25-53, 2006
A polyhedral approach to the multi-layer crossing minimization problem
M Jünger, EK Lee, P Mutzel, T Odenthal
Graph Drawing: 5th International Symposium, GD'97 Rome, Italy, September 18 …, 1997
Large-scale optimization-based classification models in medicine and biology
EK Lee
Annals of biomedical engineering 35, 1095-1109, 2007
Optimization of radiosurgery treatment planning via mixed integer programming
EK Lee, T Fox, I Crocker
Medical physics 27 (5), 995-1004, 2000
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