Frank Chongwoo Park
Frank Chongwoo Park
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Modern Robotics
KM Lynch, FC Park
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Deep learning networks for stock market analysis and prediction: Methodology, data representations, and case studies
E Chong, C Han, FC Park
Expert Systems with Applications 83, 187-205, 2017
Robot sensor calibration: solving AX= XB on the Euclidean group
FC Park, BJ Martin
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 10 (5), 717-721, 1994
A Lie group formulation of robot dynamics
FC Park, JE Bobrow, SR Ploen
The International journal of robotics research 14 (6), 609-618, 1995
Distance metrics on the rigid-body motions with applications to mechanism design
FC Park
Singularity analysis of closed kinematic chains
FC Park, JW Kim
Be´ zier curves on Riemannian manifolds and Lie groups with kinematics applications
FC Park, B Ravani
Design and analysis of a redundantly actuated parallel mechanism for rapid machining
J Kim, FC Park, SJ Ryu, J Kim, JC Hwang, C Park, CC Iurascu
IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 17 (4), 423-434, 2001
Kinematic dexterity of robotic mechanisms
FC Park, RW Brockett
The International Journal of Robotics Research 13 (1), 1-15, 1994
Smooth invariant interpolation of rotations
FC Park, B Ravani
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 16 (3), 277-295, 1997
Kinematic calibration using the product of exponentials formula
K Okamura, FC Park
Robotica 14 (4), 415-421, 1996
Computational aspects of the product-of-exponentials formula for robot kinematics
FC Park
IEEE transactions on automatic control 39 (3), 643-647, 1994
Kinematic sensitivity analysis of the 3-UPU parallel mechanism
C Han, J Kim, J Kim, FC Park
Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (8), 787-798, 2002
Newton-type algorithms for dynamics-based robot movement optimization
SH Lee, J Kim, FC Park, M Kim, JE Bobrow
IEEE Transactions on robotics 21 (4), 657-667, 2005
Inextensible flows of curves and developable surfaces
DY Kwon, FC Park, DP Chi
Applied Mathematics Letters 18 (10), 1156-1162, 2005
Optimal robot motions for physical criteria
JE Bobrow, B Martin, G Sohl, EC Wang, FC Park, J Kim
Journal of Robotic systems 18 (12), 785-795, 2001
Transfer learning for automated optical inspection
S Kim, W Kim, YK Noh, FC Park
2017 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 2517-2524, 2017
Visual tracking via geometric particle filtering on the affine group with optimal importance functions
J Kwon, KM Lee, FC Park
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 991-998, 2009
Eclipse II: A new parallel mechanism enabling continuous 360-degree spinning plus three-axis translational motions
J Kim, JC Hwang, JS Kim, CC Iurascu, FC Park, YM Cho
IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 18 (3), 367-373, 2002
Movement primitives, principal component analysis, and the efficient generation of natural motions
B Lim, S Ra, FC Park
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on robotics and …, 2005
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