Kevin Subrin
Kevin Subrin
Docteur Ingénieur en génie mécanique
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Improvement of the mobile robot location dedicated for habitable house construction by 3D printing
K Subrin, T Bressac, S Garnier, A Ambiehl, E Paquet, B Furet
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 716-721, 2018
Modelling of robotic drilling
S Garnier, K Subrin, K Waiyagan
Procedia Cirp 58, 416-421, 2017
Mobile robot stability for complex tasks in naval industries
S Garnier, K Subrin, P Arevalo-Siles, G Caverot, B Furet
Procedia CIRP 72, 297-302, 2018
Redundancy-based optimization approach to optimize robotic cell behaviour: Application to robotic machining
L Sabourin, K Subrin, R Cousturier, G Gogu, Y Mezouar
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 42 (2), 167-178, 2015
On the improvement of ros-based control for teleoperated yaskawa robots
S Baklouti, G Gallot, J Viaud, K Subrin
Applied Sciences 11 (16), 7190, 2021
A cable-driven parallel robot with full-circle end-effector rotations
M Métillon, P Cardou, K Subrin, C Charron, S Caro
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 13 (3), 031017, 2021
New redundant architectures in machining: serial and parallel robots
K Subrin, L Sabourin, R Cousturier, G Gogu, Y Mezouar
Procedia Engineering 63, 158-166, 2013
A metrological device for robot identification
S Garnier, K Subrin
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 73, 102249, 2022
Performance criteria to evaluate a kinematically redundant robotic cell for machining tasks
K Subrin, L Sabourin, G Gogu, Y Mezouar
Applied Mechanics and Materials 162, 413-422, 2012
Robotic solutions for meat cutting and handling
M Alric, F Stephan, L Sabourin, K Subrin, G Gogu, Y Mezouar
European Workshop on Deformable Object Manipulation; Innorobo: Lyon, France, 2014
Analysis of the human arm gesture for optimizing cutting process in ham deboning with a redundant robotic cell
K Subrin, L Sabourin, F Stephan, G Gogu, M Alric, Y Mezouar
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 41 (2), 190-202, 2014
Performance and interaction quality variations of a collaborative Cable-Driven Parallel Robot
M Métillon, C Charron, K Subrin, S Caro
Mechatronics 86, 102839, 2022
Thermal drift and backlash issues for industrial robots positioning performance
A Le Reun, K Subrin, A Dubois, S Garnier
Robotica 40 (9), 2933-2952, 2022
New method for decoupling the articular stiffness identification: Application to an industrial robot with double encoding system on its 3 first axis
A Ambiehl, S Garnier, K Subrin, B Furet
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017
Digital chain development for sanding application with a kinematically redundant robotic system
K Subrin, S Garnier, T Bressac, B Furet
Procedia CIRP 82, 515-520, 2019
Transparency analysis of a passive heavy load comanipulation arm
T Muller, K Subrin, D Joncheray, A Billon, S Garnier
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 52 (5), 918-927, 2022
A robotic cell for pork legs deboning
K Subrin, M Alric, L Sabourin, G Gogu
Proceedings of the 57th International Congress of Meat Science and …, 2011
Behavioral Recognition of Skeletal Data Based on Targeted Dual Fusion Strategy
X Yun, C Xu, K Riou, K Dong, Y Sun, S Li, K Subrin, P Le Callet
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (7), 6917-6925, 2024
Path Generation for Foam Additive Manufacturing of Large Parts with a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot
E Paquet, M Metillon, K Subrin, B Furet, S Caro
39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction …, 2022
A cable-driven parallel robot with full-circle end-effector rotations
M Métillon, S Lessanibahri, P Cardou, K Subrin, S Caro
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2020
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