Laurent Delannay
Laurent Delannay
Université catholique de Louvain, institute of Mechanics, Materials and civil Engineering (iMMC)
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Deformation texture prediction: from the Taylor model to the advanced Lamel model
P Van Houtte, S Li, M Seefeldt, L Delannay
International journal of plasticity 21 (3), 589-624, 2005
Finite element modeling of crystal plasticity with grains shaped as truncated octahedrons
L Delannay, PJ Jacques, SR Kalidindi
International Journal of Plasticity 22 (10), 1879-1898, 2006
Quantitative prediction of cold rolling textures in low‐carbon steel by means of the LAMEL model
P Van Houtte, L Delannay, I Samajdar
Texture, Stress, and Microstructure 31 (3), 109-149, 1999
Comparison of two grain interaction models for polycrystal plasticity and deformation texture prediction
P Van Houtte, L Delannay, SR Kalidindi
International Journal of Plasticity 18 (3), 359-377, 2002
Quantitative analysis of grain subdivision in cold rolled aluminium
L Delannay, OV Mishin, DJ Jensen, P Van Houtte
Acta Materialia 49 (13), 2441-2451, 2001
Void growth and coalescence in single crystals
SK Yerra, C Tekog, F Scheyvaerts, L Delannay, P Van Houtte, T Pardoen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (7-8), 1016-1029, 2010
Homogenization of elasto-(visco) plastic composites based on an incremental variational principle
L Brassart, L Stainier, I Doghri, L Delannay
International Journal of Plasticity 36, 86-112, 2012
Multiscale modelling of the plastic anisotropy and deformation texture of polycrystalline materials
P Van Houtte, AK Kanjarla, A Van Bael, M Seefeldt, L Delannay
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 25 (4), 634-648, 2006
Assessment of plastic heterogeneity in grain interaction models using crystal plasticity finite element method
AK Kanjarla, P Van Houtte, L Delannay
International Journal of Plasticity 26 (8), 1220-1233, 2010
First pseudo-grain failure model for inelastic composites with misaligned short fibers
S Kammoun, I Doghri, L Adam, G Robert, L Delannay
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 42 (12), 1892-1902, 2011
Crystal plasticity modeling of texture development and hardening in TWIP steels
S Dancette, L Delannay, K Renard, MA Melchior, PJ Jacques
Acta Materialia 60 (5), 2135-2145, 2012
Influence of grain shape on the planar anisotropy of rolled steel sheets–evaluation of three models
L Delannay, MA Melchior, JW Signorelli, JF Remacle, T Kuwabara
Computational materials science 45 (3), 739-743, 2009
Quantitative prediction of textures in aluminium cold rolled to moderate strains
L Delannay, SR Kalidindi, P Van Houtte
Materials Science and Engineering: A 336 (1-2), 233-244, 2002
Coupled viscoelastic–viscoplastic modeling of homogeneous and isotropic polymers: Numerical algorithm and analytical solutions
B Miled, I Doghri, L Delannay
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (47-48), 3381-3394, 2011
Modelling of the plastic flow of trip-aided multiphase steel based on an incremental mean-field approach
L Delannay, P Jacques, T Pardoen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 (6), 1825-1843, 2008
Linking plastic deformation to recrystallization in metals using digital microstructures
R Logé, M Bernacki, H Resk, L Delannay, H Digonnet, Y Chastel, ...
Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32), 3691-3712, 2008
Micromechanical modeling of the progressive failure in short glass–fiber reinforced thermoplastics–First Pseudo-Grain Damage model
S Kammoun, I Doghri, L Brassart, L Delannay
Composites part A: applied science and manufacturing 73, 166-175, 2015
A texture discretization technique adapted to polycrystalline aggregates with non-uniform grain size
MA Melchior, L Delannay
Computational materials science 37 (4), 557-564, 2006
Homogenization of elasto-plastic composites coupled with a nonlinear finite element analysis of the equivalent inclusion problem
L Brassart, I Doghri, L Delannay
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (5), 716-729, 2010
A variational formulation for the incremental homogenization of elasto-plastic composites
L Brassart, L Stainier, I Doghri, L Delannay
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (12), 2455-2475, 2011
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