Julius Pfrommer
Julius Pfrommer
Head of Department, Fraunhofer IOSB
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Informed machine learning–a taxonomy and survey of integrating prior knowledge into learning systems
L Von Rueden, S Mayer, K Beckh, B Georgiev, S Giesselbach, R Heese, ...
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (1), 614-633, 2021
Dynamic vehicle redistribution and online price incentives in shared mobility systems
J Pfrommer, J Warrington, G Schildbach, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (4), 1567-1578, 2014
OPC UA & Industrie 4.0-enabling technology with high diversity and variability
M Schleipen, SS Gilani, T Bischoff, J Pfrommer
Procedia Cirp 57, 315-320, 2016
Optimisation of manufacturing process parameters using deep neural networks as surrogate models
J Pfrommer, C Zimmerling, J Liu, L Kärger, F Henning, J Beyerer
Procedia CiRP 72, 426-431, 2018
Open source OPC UA PubSub over TSN for realtime industrial communication
J Pfrommer, A Ebner, S Ravikumar, B Karunakaran
2018 IEEE 23rd international conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2018
RESTful industrial communication with OPC UA
S Grüner, J Pfrommer, F Palm
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (5), 1832-1841, 2016
PPRS: Production skills and their relation to product, process, and resource
J Pfrommer, M Schleipen, J Beyerer
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2013
Plug & produce by modelling skills and service-oriented orchestration of reconfigurable manufacturing systems
J Pfrommer, D Stogl, K Aleksandrov, S Escaida Navarro, B Hein, ...
at-Automatisierungstechnik 63 (10), 790-800, 2015
Open source as enabler for OPC UA in industrial automation
F Palm, S Grüner, J Pfrommer, M Graube, L Urbas
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2015
Attention-based point cloud edge sampling
C Wu, J Zheng, J Pfrommer, J Beyerer
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
One step towards an industry 4.0 component
A Lüder, M Schleipen, N Schmidt, J Pfrommer, R Henßen
2017 13th ieee conference on automation science and engineering (case), 1268 …, 2017
Modelling and orchestration of service-based manufacturing systems via skills
J Pfrommer, D Stogl, K Aleksandrov, V Schubert, B Hein
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation …, 2014
A restful extension of OPC UA
S Grüner, J Pfrommer, F Palm
2015 IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 1-4, 2015
AutomationML to describe skills of production plants based on the PPR concept
M Schleipen, J Pfrommer, K Aleksandrov, D Stogl, S Escaida, J Beyerer, ...
3rd AutomationML user conference, 2014
Towards flexibility in future industrial manufacturing: a global framework for self-organization of production cells
S Azaiez, M Boc, L Cudennec, MDS Simoes, J Haupert, S Kchir, X Klinge, ...
Procedia Computer Science 83, 1268-1273, 2016
Sim2real transfer learning for point cloud segmentation: An industrial application case on autonomous disassembly
C Wu, X Bi, J Pfrommer, A Cebulla, S Mangold, J Beyerer
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
Begrifflichkeiten um Industrie 4.0–Ordnung im Sprachwirrwarr
J Pfrommer, M Schleipen, T Usländer, U Epple, R Heidel, L Urbas, ...
Tagungsband zu Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA), Magdeburg, 2014
Praxishandbuch OPC UA: Grundlagen-Implementierung-Nachrüstung-Praxisbeispiele
M Schleipen, H Mersch, J Aro, H Tahvanainen, D Pagnozzi, T Usländer, ...
Vogel Business Media, 2018
Hybrid OPC UA and DDS: Combining architectural styles for the industrial internet
J Pfrommer, S Grüner, F Palm
2016 IEEE world conference on factory communication systems (WFCS), 1-7, 2016
An ontology for remanufacturing systems
J Pfrommer, JF Klein, M Wurster, S Rapp, P Grauberger, G Lanza, ...
at-Automatisierungstechnik 70 (6), 534-541, 2022
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