Ryan P Abernathey
Ryan P Abernathey
Columbia University / Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
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Lagrangian ocean analysis: Fundamentals and practices
E Van Sebille, SM Griffies, R Abernathey, TP Adams, P Berloff, A Biastoch, ...
Ocean modelling 121, 49-75, 2018
Strengthening tropical Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient consistent with rising greenhouse gases
R Seager, M Cane, N Henderson, DE Lee, R Abernathey, H Zhang
Nature Climate Change 9 (7), 517-522, 2019
Water-mass transformation by sea ice in the upper branch of the Southern Ocean overturning
RP Abernathey, I Cerovecki, PR Holland, E Newsom, M Mazloff, LD Talley
Nature Geoscience 9 (8), 596-601, 2016
The dependence of Southern Ocean meridional overturning on wind stress
R Abernathey, J Marshall, D Ferreira
Journal of Physical Oceanography 41 (12), 2261-2278, 2011
Global surface eddy diffusivities derived from satellite altimetry
RP Abernathey, J Marshall
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (2), 901-916, 2013
Global Patterns of Mesoscale Eddy Properties and Diffusivities
A Klocker, R Abernathey
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (2014), 1030–1046, 2014
Enhancement of mesoscale eddy stirring at steering levels in the Southern Ocean
R Abernathey, J Marshall, M Mazloff, E Shuckburgh
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (1), 170-184, 2010
Topographic Enhancement of Eddy Efficiency in Baroclinic Equilibration
R Abernathey, P Cessi
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (2014), 2107–2126, 2014
Diagnostics of isopycnal mixing in a circumpolar channel
R Abernathey, D Ferreira, A Klocker
Ocean Modelling 72, 1-16, 2013
Transport by Lagrangian vortices in the eastern Pacific
R Abernathey, G Haller
Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (3), 667-685, 2018
Isopycnal mixing by mesoscale eddies significantly impacts oceanic anthropogenic carbon uptake
A Gnanadesikan, MA Pradal, R Abernathey
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (11), 4249-4255, 2015
Southern Ocean overturning compensation in an eddy-resolving climate simulation
SP Bishop, PR Gent, FO Bryan, AF Thompson, MC Long, R Abernathey
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (5), 1575-1592, 2016
Submesoscale Vertical Velocities Enhance Tracer Subduction in an Idealized Antarctic Circumpolar Current
D Balwada, KS Smith, R Abernathey
Geophysical Research Letters, 2018
Future global convective environments in CMIP6 models
C Lepore, R Abernathey, N Henderson, JT Allen, MK Tippett
Earth's Future 9 (12), e2021EF002277, 2021
Controlling spurious diapycnal mixing in eddy-resolving height-coordinate ocean models–Insights from virtual deliberate tracer release experiments
C Hill, D Ferreira, JM Campin, J Marshall, R Abernathey, N Barrier
Ocean Modelling 45, 14-26, 2012
Cloud-native repositories for big scientific data
RP Abernathey, T Augspurger, A Banihirwe, CC Blackmon-Luca, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 23 (2), 26-35, 2021
Ocean mesoscale mixing linked to climate variability
JJM Busecke, RP Abernathey
Science Advances 5 (1), eaav5014, 2019
Seasonality of eddy kinetic energy in an eddy permitting global climate model
T Uchida, R Abernathey, S Smith
Ocean Modelling 118, 41-58, 2017
Southern Ocean deep circulation and heat uptake in a high-resolution climate model
ER Newsom, CM Bitz, FO Bryan, R Abernathey, PR Gent
Journal of Climate 29 (7), 2597-2619, 2016
Vertical eddy iron fluxes support primary production in the open Southern Ocean
T Uchida, D Balwada, R P. Abernathey, G A. McKinley, S K. Smith, M Lévy
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1125, 2020
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