Danijel Skocaj
Danijel Skocaj
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Segmentation-based deep-learning approach for surface-defect detection
D Tabernik, S Šela, J Skvarč, D Skočaj
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 31 (3), 759-776, 2020
Draem-a discriminatively trained reconstruction embedding for surface anomaly detection
V Zavrtanik, M Kristan, D Skočaj
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Reconstruction by inpainting for visual anomaly detection
V Zavrtanik, M Kristan, D Skočaj
Pattern Recognition 112, 107706, 2021
Deep learning for large-scale traffic-sign detection and recognition
D Tabernik, D Skočaj
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 21 (4), 1427-1440, 2019
Mixed supervision for surface-defect detection: From weakly to fully supervised learning
J Božič, D Tabernik, D Skočaj
Computers in Industry 129, 103459, 2021
Multivariate online kernel density estimation with Gaussian kernels
M Kristan, A Leonardis, D Skočaj
Pattern recognition 44 (10-11), 2630-2642, 2011
Weighted and robust incremental method for subspace learning
Skocaj, Leonardis
Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 1494 …, 2003
Combining reconstructive and discriminative subspace methods for robust classification and regression by subsampling
S Fidler, D Skocaj, A Leonardis
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28 (3), 337-350, 2006
A compact convolutional neural network for textured surface anomaly detection
D Racki, D Tomazevic, D Skocaj
2018 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision (WACV), 1331-1339, 2018
Range image acquisition of objects with non-uniform albedo using structured light range sensor
D Skocaj, A Leonardis
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Dsr–a dual subspace re-projection network for surface anomaly detection
V Zavrtanik, M Kristan, D Skočaj
European conference on computer vision, 539-554, 2022
On-line conservative learning for person detection
PM Roth, H Grabner, H Bischof, D Skocaj, A Leonardist
2005 IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance …, 2005
Towards an integrated robot with multiple cognitive functions
N Hawes, A Sloman, J Wyatt, M Zillich, H Jacobsson, GJM Kruijff, ...
AAAI 7, 1548-1553, 2007
End-to-end training of a two-stage neural network for defect detection
J Božič, D Tabernik, D Skočaj
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 5619-5626, 2021
A robust PCA algorithm for building representations from panoramic images
D Skočaj, H Bischof, A Leonardis
European Conference on Computer Vision, 761-775, 2002
Weighted and robust learning of subspace representations
D Skočaj, A Leonardis, H Bischof
Pattern recognition 40 (5), 1556-1569, 2007
Online kernel density estimation for interactive learning
M Kristan, D Skočaj, A Leonardis
Image and Vision Computing 28 (7), 1106-1116, 2010
Neural-network-based traffic sign detection and recognition in high-definition images using region focusing and parallelization
A Avramović, D Sluga, D Tabernik, D Skočaj, V Stojnić, N Ilc
IEEE Access 8, 189855-189868, 2020
A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor
D Skočaj, M Kristan, A Vrečko, M Mahnič, M Janíček, GJM Kruijff, ...
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Self-supervised cross-modal online learning of basic object affordances for developmental robotic systems
B Ridge, D Skočaj, A Leonardis
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5047-5054, 2010
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Artikel 1–20