Giovanni De Cesare
Giovanni De Cesare
Operational director of Plateforme of Hydraulic Constructions PL-LCH, Senior researcher, EPFL
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Reservoir sedimentation
AJ Schleiss, MJ Franca, C Juez, G De Cesare
Journal of Hydraulic Research 54 (6), 595-614, 2016
Impact of turbidity currents on reservoir sedimentation
GD Cesare, A Schleiss, F Hermann
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 127 (1), 6-16, 2001
Soil and water bioengineering: Practice and research needs for reconciling natural hazard control and ecological restoration
F Rey, C Bifulco, GB Bischetti, F Bourrier, G De Cesare, F Florineth, F Graf, ...
Science of the Total Environment 648, 1210-1218, 2019
Flow field investigation in a rectangular shallow reservoir using UVP, LSPIV and numerical modelling
SA Kantoush, G De Cesare, JL Boillat, AJ Schleiss
Flow measurement and Instrumentation 19 (3-4), 139-144, 2008
Circulation in stratified lakes due to flood-induced turbidity currents
G De Cesare, JL Boillat, AJ Schleiss
Journal of Environmental Engineering 132 (11), 1508-1517, 2006
Managing reservoir sedimentation by venting turbidity currents: A review
S Chamoun, G De Cesare, AJ Schleiss
International Journal of Sediment Research 31 (3), 195-204, 2016
Sediment evacuation from reservoirs through intakes by jet-induced flow
JMI Jenzer Althaus, GD Cesare, AJ Schleiss
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 141 (2), 04014078, 2015
Scale effects related to the rating curve of cylindrically crested Piano Key weirs
M Pfister, E Battisacco, G De Cesare, AJ Schleiss
Labyrinth and piano key weirs II 73, 2013
Spatial interpolation of precipitation from multiple rain gauge networks and weather radar data for operational applications in Alpine catchments
A Foehn, JG Hernández, B Schaefli, G De Cesare
Journal of Hydrology 563, 1092-1110, 2018
Verlandung der Stauseen gefährdet die nachhaltige Nutzung der Wasserkraft
A Schleiss, G De Cesare, J Jenzer Althaus
Wasser, Energie, Luft/Eau, énergie, air 102 (1), 31-40, 2010
Understanding turbulent free-surface vortex flows using a Taylor-Couette flow analogy
S Mulligan, G De Cesare, J Casserly, R Sherlock
Scientific reports 8 (1), 824, 2018
Effect of inclined jet screen on turbidity current
CD Oehy, G De Cesare, AJ Schleiss
Journal of Hydraulic Research 48 (1), 81-90, 2010
Numerical modelling of plunge pool scour evolution in non-cohesive sediments
G Epely-Chauvin, G De Cesare, S Schwindt
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 8 (4), 477-487, 2014
Design and temporal issues in Soil Bioengineering structures for the stabilisation of shallow soil movements
GB Bischetti, G De Cesare, SB Mickovski, HP Rauch, M Schwarz, ...
Ecological Engineering 169, 106309, 2021
Estuarine tidal response to sea level rise: The significance of entrance restriction
D Khojasteh, S Hottinger, S Felder, G De Cesare, V Heimhuber, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 244, 106941, 2020
Alluvionnement des retenues par courants de turbidité
G De Cesare
EPFL, 1998
The clogging of riverbeds: A review of the physical processes
R Dubuis, G De Cesare
Earth-Science Reviews 239, 104374, 2023
A novel method for river bank detection from landsat satellite data: a case study in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
DV Binh, B Wietlisbach, S Kantoush, HH Loc, E Park, G Cesare, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (20), 3298, 2020
Design of a throttled surge tank for refurbishment by increase of installed capacity at a high-head power plant
NJ Adam, G De Cesare, C Nicolet, P Billeter, A Angermayr, B Valluy, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 144 (2), 05017004, 2018
Venting of turbidity currents approaching a rectangular opening on a horizontal bed
S Chamoun, G De Cesare, AJ Schleiss
Journal of Hydraulic Research 56 (1), 44-58, 2018
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