Ethan Neil
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Zitiert von
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model
T Aoyama, N Asmussen, M Benayoun, J Bijnens, T Blum, M Bruno, ...
Physics reports 887, 1-166, 2020
-mixing matrix elements from lattice QCD for the Standard Model and beyond
A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, CC Chang, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical Review D 93 (11), 113016, 2016
form factors at nonzero recoil and from -flavor lattice QCD
JA Bailey, A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical Review D 92 (3), 034506, 2015
- and -meson leptonic decay constants from four-flavor lattice QCD
A Bazavov, C Bernard, N Brown, C DeTar, AX El-Khadra, E Gámiz, ...
Physical Review D 98 (7), 074512, 2018
Lattice study of the conformal window in QCD-like theories
T Appelquist, GT Fleming, ET Neil
Physical review letters 100 (17), 171607, 2008
Lattice study of conformal behavior in SU (3) Yang-Mills theories
T Appelquist, GT Fleming, ET Neil
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (7), 076010, 2009
Update of from the form factor at zero recoil with three-flavor lattice QCD
JA Bailey, A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical Review D 89 (11), 114504, 2014
from decays and ()-flavor lattice QCD
JA Bailey, A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical Review D 92 (1), 014024, 2015
decay form factors from three-flavor lattice QCD
JA Bailey, A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical Review D 93 (2), 025026, 2016
Review of strongly-coupled composite dark matter models and lattice simulations
GD Kribs, ET Neil
International Journal of Modern Physics A 31 (22), 1643004, 2016
Up-, down-, strange-, charm-, and bottom-quark masses from four-flavor lattice QCD
A Bazavov, C Bernard, N Brambilla, N Brown, C DeTar, AX El-Khadra, ...
Physical Review D 98 (5), 054517, 2018
Lattice simulations and infrared conformality
T Appelquist, GT Fleming, MF Lin, ET Neil, DA Schaich
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (5), 054501, 2011
Bayesian model averaging for analysis of lattice field theory results
WI Jay, ET Neil
Physical Review D 103 (11), 114502, 2021
Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC
T Appelquist, RC Brower, GT Fleming, A Hasenfratz, XY Jin, J Kiskis, ...
Physical Review D 93 (11), 114514, 2016
Refining New-Physics Searches in with Lattice QCD
JA Bailey, A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical review letters 109 (7), 071802, 2012
Hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution to the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment from four-flavor lattice QCD
CTH Davies, C DeTar, AX El-Khadra, E Gámiz, S Gottlieb, D Hatton, ...
Physical Review D 101 (3), 034512, 2020
Charmed and light pseudoscalar meson decay constants from four-flavor lattice QCD with physical light quarks
A Bazavov, C Bernard, J Komijani, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, J Foley, ...
Physical Review D 90 (7), 074509, 2014
semileptonic form-factor ratios and their application to
JA Bailey, A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, C DeTar, D Du, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (11), 114502, 2012
Nonperturbative investigations of SU (3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors
T Appelquist, RC Brower, GT Fleming, A Gasbarro, A Hasenfratz, XY Jin, ...
Physical Review D 99 (1), 014509, 2019
Light bosons at the Tevatron
MR Buckley, D Hooper, J Kopp, ET Neil
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (11), 115013, 2011
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