Derek Lichti
Derek Lichti
Professor of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary
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Error modelling, calibration and analysis of an AM–CW terrestrial laser scanner system
DD Lichti
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 61 (5), 307-324, 2007
Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
J Skaloud, D Lichti
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 61 (1), 47-59, 2006
Modeling terrestrial laser scanner data for precise structural deformation measurement
SJ Gordon, DD Lichti
Journal of surveying engineering 133 (2), 72-80, 2007
Static calibration and analysis of the Velodyne HDL-64E S2 for high accuracy mobile scanning
C Glennie, DD Lichti
Remote sensing 2 (6), 1610-1624, 2010
A method for automated registration of unorganised point clouds
KH Bae, DD Lichti
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 63 (1), 36-54, 2008
Angular resolution of terrestrial laser scanners
DD Lichti, S Jamtsho
The Photogrammetric Record 21 (114), 141-160, 2006
Error models and propagation in directly georeferenced terrestrial laser scanner networks
DD Lichti, SJ Gordon, T Tipdecho
Journal of surveying engineering 131 (4), 135-142, 2005
Error propagation in directly georeferenced terrestrial laser scanner point clouds for cultural heritage recording
DD Lichti, SJ Gordon
Proc. of FIG Working Week, Athens, Greece, May, 22-27, 2004
Terrestrial laser scanning for deformation monitoring
M Tsakiri, D Lichti, N Pfeifer
3rd IAG/12th FIG symposium, Baden, 22-24, 2006
Ground-based laser scanners: operation, systems and applications
DD Lichti
Geomatica 56 (1), 21-33, 2002
Classification and segmentation of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds using local variance information
D Belton, DD Lichti
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci 36 (5), 44-49, 2006
Terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration: Correlation sources and their mitigation
DD Lichti
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65 (1), 93-102, 2010
The effects of reflecting surface material properties on time-of-flight laser scanner measurements
DD Lichti, BR Harvey
Proceedings of the Symposium on Geospatial Theory, Processing and …, 2002
Experiences with terrestrial laser scanner modelling and accuracy assessment
DD Lichti, MG Licht
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci 36 (5), 155-160, 2006
Benchmark tests on a three-dimensional laser scanning system
DD Lichti, MP Stewart, M Tsakiri, AJ Snow
Geomatics Research Australasia, 1-24, 2000
Measurement of deflections in concrete beams by close-range digital photogrammetry
T Whiteman, DD Lichti, I Chandler
Proceedings of the Symposium on Geospatial Theory, Processing and …, 2002
Calibration and testing of a terrestrial laser scanner
D Lichti, MP Stewart, M Tsakiri, AJ Snow
International archives of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing 33 (B5/2; PART 5 …, 2000
Automatic recognition of common structural elements from point clouds for automated progress monitoring and dimensional quality control in reinforced concrete construction
R Maalek, DD Lichti, JY Ruwanpura
Remote Sensing 11 (9), 1102, 2019
Application of a high-resolution, ground-based laser scanner for deformation measurements
S Gordon, D Lichti, M Stewart
Proceedings of 10th International FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements …, 2001
Investigating the propagation mechanism of unmodelled systematic errors on coordinate time series estimated using least squares
MP Stewart, NT Penna, DD Lichti
Journal of Geodesy 79 (8), 479-489, 2005
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