Edward Olale
Edward Olale
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Crop yield response to economic, site and climatic variables
J Cabas, A Weersink, E Olale
Climatic change 101 (3), 599-616, 2010
The environmental Kuznets curve model for greenhouse gas emissions in Canada
E Olale, TO Ochuodho, V Lantz, J El Armali
Journal of cleaner production 184, 859-868, 2018
Determinants of income diversification among fishing communities in Western Kenya
E Olale, S Henson
Fisheries Research 125, 235–242, 2012
Acreage Response to Weather, Yield, and Price
A Weersink, JH Cabas, E Olale
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58 (1), 57-72, 2010
The impact of income diversification among fishing communities in Western Kenya
E Olale, S Henson
Food Policy 43, 90-99, 2013
Economic impacts of climate change considering individual, additive, and simultaneous changes in forest and agriculture sectors in Canada: A dynamic, multi-regional CGE model …
TO Ochuodho, VA Lantz, E Olale
Forest Policy and Economics 63, 43-51, 2016
The effect of carbon tax on farm income: evidence from a Canadian province
E Olale, EK Yiridoe, TO Ochuodho, V Lantz
Environmental and Resource Economics 74, 605-623, 2019
What do border rejections tell us about trade standards compliance of developing countries? Analysis of EU and US Data 2002-2008
S Henson, E Olale
Slovakia: UNIDO working paper, 2011
The influence of market barriers and farm income risk on non-farm income diversification
E Olale
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 3 (8), 379-386, 2011
Impacts of crop rotation and tillage practices on potato yield and farm revenue
EY Liu, S Li, V Lantz, E Olale
Agronomy Journal 111 (4), 1838-1848, 2019
Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on potato yield in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada
TO Ochuodho, E Olale, VA Lantz, J Damboise, TL Chow, F Meng, ...
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68 (5), 392-400, 2013
Socio-economic characteristics of fish workers in Western Kenya
E Olale, S Henson
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture 4 (7), 139-153, 2012
How do soil and water conservation practices influence climate change impacts on potato production? Evidence from eastern Canada
TO Ochuodho, E Olale, VA Lantz, J Damboise, JL Daigle, FR Meng, S Li, ...
Regional Environmental Change 14 (4), 1563-1574, 2014
A computable general equilibrium analysis of the United States-Canada 2006 softwood lumber agreement
TO Ochuodho, VA Lantz, E Olale
Forest Science 62 (6), 679-689, 2016
Thesis Tittle: Adoption of soil fertility management technologies in the semi-arid areas of Kenya: the case of Machakos, Makueni and Kitui Districts
E Olale
University of Nairobi, 2005
Thesis Tittle: Income Diversification Among Fishing Communities in Western Kenya
E Olale
University of Guelph, 2009
The Role of Income Diversification, Transaction Cost and Production Risk in Fertilizer Market Participation
E Olale, JAL Cranfield
Assessing the factors affecting maple syrup yield in the US and predicting production potential in Kentucky
B Thapa, TO Ochuodho, JM Lhotka, W Thomas, ZJ Hackworth, J Muller, ...
Trees, Forests and People 17, 100649, 2024
Impacts of crop rotation and tillage practices on potato yield and farm revenue
EO Eric Liu, Van Lantz, Sheng Li
 Agronomy Journal, 2018
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