Jay Jay Billings
Jay Jay Billings
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Multiscale modeling and characterization for performance and safety of lithium-ion batteries
S Pannala, JA Turner, S Allu, WR Elwasif, S Kalnaus, S Simunovic, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (7), 2015
drtsans: The data reduction toolkit for small-angle neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
WT Heller, J Hetrick, J Bilheux, JMB Calvo, WR Chen, L DeBeer-Schmitt, ...
SoftwareX 19, 101101, 2022
An integrated programming and development environment for adiabatic quantum optimization
TS Humble, AJ McCaskey, RS Bennink, JJ Billings, EF DʼAzevedo, ...
Computational Science & Discovery 7 (1), 015006, 2014
Simple analytical model for fitting QENS data from liquids
E Mamontov, RW Smith, JJ Billings, AJ Ramirez-Cuesta
Physica B: Condensed Matter 566, 50-54, 2019
Explicit integration with GPU acceleration for large kinetic networks
B Brock, A Belt, JJ Billings, M Guidry
Journal of Computational Physics 302, 591-602, 2015
Explicit integration of extremely stiff reaction networks: partial equilibrium methods
MW Guidry, JJ Billings, WR Hix
Computational Science & Discovery 6 (1), 015003, 2013
Explicit integration of extremely stiff reaction networks: asymptotic methods
MW Guidry, R Budiardja, E Feger, JJ Billings, WR Hix, OEB Messer, ...
Computational Science & Discovery 6 (1), 015001, 2013
The eclipse integrated computational environment
JJ Billings, AR Bennett, J Deyton, K Gammeltoft, J Graham, D Gorin, ...
SoftwareX 7, 234-244, 2018
BES roundtable on producing and managing large scientific data with artificial intelligence and machine learning
D Ratner, B Sumpter, F Alexander, JJ Billings, R Coffee, S Cousineau, ...
DOESC Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Tech. Rep., 2019
Efficient data management in neutron scattering data reduction workflows at ORNL
WF Godoy, PF Peterson, SE Hahn, JJ Billings
2020 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 2674-2680, 2020
Performance analysis and acceleration of explicit integration for large kinetic networks using batched GPU computations
A Haidar, B Brock, S Tomov, M Guidry, JJ Billings, D Shyles, J Dongarra
2016 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-7, 2016
The tenth annual future of open source survey
J Hammond, P Santinelli, JJ Billings, B Ledingham
Black Duck Softw, 2016
Research software engineering at oak ridge national laboratory
A Malviya-Thakur, DE Bernholdt, WF Godoy, GR Watson, M Doucet, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 24 (5), 14-23, 2022
Toward common components for open workflow systems
JJ Billings, S Jha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.06774, 2017
A domain-specific analysis system for examining nuclear reactor simulation data for light-water and sodium-cooled fast reactors
JJ Billings, JH Deyton, SF Hull III, EJ Lingerfelt, A Wojtowicz
Annals of Nuclear Energy 85, 856-868, 2015
The amp (advanced multiphysics) nuclear fuel integrated performance and safety code
G Dilts, B Mihaila, C Unal, K Clarno, B Philip, W Cochran, R Sampath, ...
Tech. Rep. LA-UR-10-8450, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, 2010
Performance improvements on SNS and HFIR instrument data reduction workflows using Mantid
WF Godoy, PF Peterson, SE Hahn, J Hetrick, M Doucet, JJ Billings
Driving Scientific and Engineering Discoveries Through the Convergence of …, 2020
Will humans even write code in 2040 and what would that mean for extreme heterogeneity in computing?
JJ Billings, AJ McCaskey, G Vallee, G Watson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00676, 2017
Introducing triquetrum, a possible future for Kepler and Ptolemy II
C Brooks, JJ Billings
Procedia Computer Science 80, 2449-2454, 2016
The nuclear energy advanced modeling and simulation safeguards and separations reprocessing plant toolkit
A McCaskey, JJ Billings, VF De Almeida
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2011
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