Rüdiger Simon
Rüdiger Simon
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The CONSTANS gene of Arabidopsis promotes flowering and encodes a protein showing similarities to zinc finger transcription factors
J Putterill, F Robson, K Lee, R Simon, G Coupland
cell 80 (6), 847-857, 1995
Signaling of Cell Fate Decisions by CLAVATA3 in Arabidopsis Shoot Meristems
JC Fletcher, U Brand, MP Running, R Simon, EM Meyerowitz
Science 283 (5409), 1911-1914, 1999
Dependence of Stem Cell Fate in Arabidopsis on a Feedback Loop Regulated by CLV3 Activity
U Brand, JC Fletcher, M Hobe, EM Meyerowitz, R Simon
Science 289 (5479), 617-619, 2000
A molecular link between stem cell regulation and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
JU Lohmann, RL Hong, M Hobe, MA Busch, F Parcy, R Simon, D Weigel
Cell 105 (6), 793-803, 2001
A signaling module controlling the stem cell niche in Arabidopsis root meristems
Y Stahl, RH Wink, GC Ingram, R Simon
Current biology 19 (11), 909-914, 2009
The Receptor Kinase CORYNE of Arabidopsis Transmits the Stem Cell–Limiting Signal CLAVATA3 Independently of CLAVATA1
R Muller, A Bleckmann, R Simon
The Plant Cell 20 (4), 934-946, 2008
Activation of floral meristem identity genes in Arabidopsis
R Simon, MI Igeño, G Coupland
Nature 384 (6604), 59-62, 1996
CLAVATA-WUSCHEL signaling in the shoot meristem
M Somssich, BI Je, R Simon, D Jackson
Development 143 (18), 3238-3248, 2016
Moderation of Arabidopsis root stemness by CLAVATA1 and ARABIDOPSIS CRINKLY4 receptor kinase complexes
Y Stahl, S Grabowski, A Bleckmann, R Kühnemuth, S Weidtkamp-Peters, ...
Current Biology 23 (5), 362-371, 2013
RPK2 is an essential receptor-like kinase that transmits the CLV3 signal in Arabidopsis
A Kinoshita, S Betsuyaku, Y Osakabe, S Mizuno, S Nagawa, Y Stahl, ...
Development 137 (22), 3911-3920, 2010
Stem cell signaling in Arabidopsis requires CRN to localize CLV2 to the plasma membrane
A Bleckmann, S Weidtkamp-Peters, CAM Seidel, R Simon
Plant physiology 152 (1), 166-176, 2010
Regulation of CLV3 Expression by Two Homeobox Genes in Arabidopsis
U Brand, M Grunewald, M Hobe, R Simon
Plant physiology 129 (2), 565-575, 2002
Loss of CLE40, a protein functionally equivalent to the stem cell restricting signal CLV3, enhances root waving in Arabidopsis
M Hobe, R Müller, M Grünewald, U Brand, R Simon
Development genes and evolution 213, 371-381, 2003
Auxin-Dependent Cell Cycle Reactivation through Transcriptional Regulation of Arabidopsis E2Fa by Lateral Organ Boundary Proteins
B Berckmans, V Vassileva, SPC Schmid, S Maes, B Parizot, S Naramoto, ...
The Plant Cell 23 (10), 3671-3683, 2011
The DORNRÖSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 Gene of Arabidopsis Acts in the Control of Meristem Cell Fate and Lateral Organ Development
T Kirch, R Simon, M Grünewald, W Werr
The Plant Cell 15 (3), 694-705, 2003
Dynamic and Compensatory Responses of Arabidopsis Shoot and Floral Meristems to CLV3 Signaling
R Muller, L Borghi, D Kwiatkowska, P Laufs, R Simon
The Plant Cell 18 (5), 1188-1198, 2006
Parallels between UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS and FIMBRIATA, genes controlling flower development in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum.
GC Ingram, J Goodrich, MD Wilkinson, R Simon, GW Haughn, ES Coen
The Plant Cell 7 (9), 1501-1510, 1995
Tackling drought stress: receptor-like kinases present new approaches
A Marshall, RB Aalen, D Audenaert, T Beeckman, MR Broadley, ...
The Plant Cell 24 (6), 2262-2278, 2012
Dual role for fimbriata in regulating floral homeotic genes and cell division in Antirrhinum
GC Ingram, S Doyle, R Carpenter, EA Schultz, R Simon, ES Coen
The EMBO Journal, 1997
Arabidopsis JAGGED LATERAL ORGANS Is Expressed in Boundaries and Coordinates KNOX and PIN Activity
L Borghi, M Bureau, R Simon
The Plant Cell 19 (6), 1795-1808, 2007
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