Warren S Hicks
Warren S Hicks
CSIRO Land and Water
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Export of Acidity in Drainage Water from Acid Sulphate Soils
WH F.J Cook
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 0
Soil organic carbon and its fractions estimated by visible–near infrared transfer functions
RA Viscarra Rossel, WS Hicks
European Journal of Soil Science 66 (3), 438-450, 2015
How does grinding affect the mid-infrared spectra of soil and their multivariate calibrations to texture and organic carbon?
F Le Guillou, W Wetterlind, RAV Rossel, W Hicks, M Grundy, S Tuomi
Soil Research 53 (8), 913-921, 2015
Studies of Australian soft corals. X. The isolation of epoxyisoneocembrene-A from Sinularia grayi and isoneocembrene-A from Sarcophyton ehrenbergi
BF Bowden, JC Coll, W Hicks, R Kazlauskas, SJ Mitchell
Australian Journal of Chemistry 31 (12), 2707-2712, 1978
East Trinity Acid Sulfate Soils: Part 1: Environmental Hazards
WS Hicks, GM Bowman, R Fitzpatrick
CSIRO Land and Water, 1999
Sulfidic materials in dryland river wetlands
S Lamontagne, WS Hicks, RW Fitzpatrick, S Rogers
Marine and Freshwater Research 57 (8), 775-788, 2006
Survey and description of sulfidic materials in wetlands of the Lower River Murray floodplains: Implications for floodplain salinity management
S Lamontagne, WS Hicks, RW Fitzpatrick, S Rogers
CRC LEME Open File Report 165, 65, 2004
Residues related to agricultural chemicals in the groundwaters of the Burdekin River delta, north Queensland
JE Brodie, WS Hicks, GN Richards, FG Thomas
Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical 8 (3), 187-215, 1984
Effect of season and landscape position on the aluminium geochemistry of tropical acid sulfate soil leachate
WS Hicks, GM Bowman, RW Fitzpatrick
Soil Research 47 (2), 137-153, 2009
Soil and nutrient movements from rural lands of north Queensland
BG Prove, WS Hicks
Land Use Patterns and Nutrient Loading of the Great Barrier Reef Region …, 1991
A guide to sulfur gas emissions from wetlands and disposal basins: implications for salinity management
WS Hicks, S Lamontagne
CSIRO Land and Water, 2006
Developing the Australian mid-infrared spectroscopic database using data from the Australian Soil Resource Information System
W Hicks, RAV Rossel, S Tuomi
Soil Research 53 (8), 922-931, 2015
Porewater geochemistry of inland acid sulfate soils with sulfuric horizons following postdrought reflooding with freshwater
NL Creeper, P Shand, W Hicks, RW Fitzpatrick
Journal of environmental quality 44 (3), 989-1000, 2015
Land suitability: technical methods
R Bartley, MF Thomas, D Clifford, S Phillip, D Brough, D Harms, R Willis, ...
A Technical Report to the Australian Government for the Flinders and Gilbert …, 2013
Technical guidelines for assessment and management of inland freshwater areas impacted by acid sulfate soils
RW Fitzpatrick, P Shand, W Hicks
CSIRO Land and Water Science Report 5 (11), 160, 2011
Geochemical processes following freshwater reflooding of acidified inland acid sulfate soils: An in situ mesocosm experiment
NL Creeper, WS Hicks, P Shand, RW Fitzpatrick
Chemical Geology 411, 200-214, 2015
Environmental impacts of acid sulphate soils near Cairns, Qld
WS Hicks, GM Bowman, RW Fitzpatrick
CSIRO Land and Water Technical Report, 1999
Chip-tray incubation: a new field and laboratory method to support acid sulfate soil hazard assessment, classification and communication.
R Fitzpatrick, G Grealish, P Shand, R Merry, N Creeper, M Thomas, ...
The geochemistry of Australian tropical acid sulfate soils and their environmental hazard.
W Hicks, G Bowman, R Fitzpatrick
The role of mound-building termites in the nitrogen economy of semi-arid ecosystems
RA Congdon, JA Holt, WS Hicks
AgResearch, 1993
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