Aitor Moreno
Aitor Moreno
Researcher, Vicomtech
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Interactive visualization of volumetric data with WebGL in real-time
J Congote, Á Segura, L Kabongo, A Moreno, J Posada, O Ruiz
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 137-146, 2011
Virtualisation process of a sheet metal punching machine within the Industry 4.0 vision
A Moreno, G Velez, A Ardanza, I Barandiaran, ÁR de Infante, R Chopitea
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 11 (2 …, 2017
Sustainable and flexible industrial human machine interfaces to support adaptable applications in the Industry 4.0 paradigm
A Ardanza, A Moreno, Á Segura, M de la Cruz, D Aguinaga
International Journal of Production Research, 1-15, 2019
Natural Interaction between Virtual Characters and Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease
E Carrasco, G Epelde, A Moreno, A Ortiz, I Garcia, C Buiza, E Urdaneta, ...
Computers helping people with special needs, 38-45, 2008
A data model for route planning in case of forest fires
Z Wang, S Zlatanova, A Moreno, P van Oosterom, C Toro
Computers & Geosciences, 2014
Interactive fire spread simulations with extinguishment support for Virtual Reality training tools
A Moreno, J Posada, Á Segura, A Arbelaiz, A García-Alonso
Fire Safety Journal 64 (0), 48 - 60, 2014
Virtual training of fire wardens through immersive 3D environments
HV Diez, S García, A Mujika, A Moreno, D Oyarzun
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Web3D technology, 43-50, 2016
Accelerated Thermal Simulation for Three-Dimensional Interactive Optimization of Computer Numeric Control Sheet Metal Laser Cutting
D Mejia, A Moreno, A Arbelaiz, J Posada, OE Ruiz-Salguero, R Chopitea
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (3), 031006--031015, 2017
Interaction and ergonomics issues in the development of a mixed reality construction machinery simulator for safety training
Á Segura, A Moreno, G Brunetti, T Henn
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 290, 2007
Generation of Continuous Hybrid Zig-zag and Contour Paths For 3D Printing
G Gomez, C Cortés, C Creus, MZ Amilibia, A Moreno
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022
Methodology to create virtual reality assisted training courses within the Industry 4.0 vision
MP Carretero, S García, A Moreno, N Alcain, I Elorza
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021
Benefit of the integration of semantic 3D models in a fire-fighting VR simulator
A Moreno, Á Segura, S Zlatanova, J Posada, A García-Alonso
Applied Geomatics 4 (3), 143-153, 2012
Interactive urban and forest fire simulation with extinguishment support
A Moreno, Á Segura, A Korchi, J Posada, O Otaegui
Advances in 3D Geo-Information Sciences, 131-148, 2010
Generation of 2.5D Deposition Strategies for LMD-based Additive Manufacturing
D Montoya-Zapata, C Creus, I Ortiz, P Alvarez, A Moreno, J Posada, ...
Procedia Computer Science 180, 280-289, 2021
Hybrid geometry / topology based mesh segmentation for Reverse Engineering
D Mejia, O Ruiz-Salguero, JR Sánchez, J Posada, A Moreno, CA Cadavid
Computers & Graphics, 2018
Extending Industrial Digital Twins with Optical Object Tracking
A Tammaro, Á Segura, A Moreno, J Sánchez
Spanish Computer Graphics Conference (CEIG), 23--26, 2017
Extending marching cubes with adaptative methods to obtain more accurate iso-surfaces
J Congote, A Moreno, I Barandiaran, J Barandiaran, O Ruiz
International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics …, 2009
X3DOM volume rendering component for web content developers
A Arbelaiz, A Moreno, L Kabongo, A García-Alonso
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (11), 13425--13454, 2017
Semantic enhancement of a virtual reality simulation system for fire fighting
A Moreno, S Zlatanova, B Bucher, J Posada, C Toro
Joint ISPRS Workshop on 3D City Modelling & Applications, 2011
Density-Sensitive Implicit Functions Using Sub-Voxel Sampling in Additive Manufacturing
D Montoya-Zapata, A Moreno, J Pareja-Corcho, J Posada, ...
Metals 9 (12), 1293, 2019
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Artikel 1–20