Thomas Hotz
Thomas Hotz
Professor for Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Technische Universität Ilmenau
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Intrinsic shape analysis: Geodesic PCA for Riemannian manifolds modulo isometric lie group actions
S Huckemann, T Hotz, A Munk
Statistica Sinica, 1-58, 2010
Global models for the orientation field of fingerprints: an approach based on quadratic differentials
S Huckemann, T Hotz, A Munk
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 30 (9), 1507-1519, 2008
Sticky central limit theorems on open books
T Hotz, S Huckemann, H Le, JS Marron, JC Mattingly, E Miller, J Nolen, ...
The Annals of Applied Probability 23 (6), 2238-2258, 2013
Drift estimation for single marker switching based imaging schemes
C Geisler, T Hotz, A Schönle, SW Hell, A Munk, A Egner
Optics Express 20 (7), 7274-7289, 2012
A pre-registered short-term forecasting study of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland during the second wave
J Bracher, D Wolffram, J Deuschel, K Görgen, JL Ketterer, A Ullrich, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-16, 2021
Intrinsic means on the circle: Uniqueness, locus and asymptotics
T Hotz, S Huckemann
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 67 (1), 177-193, 2015
Intrinsic MANOVA for Riemannian manifolds with an application to Kendall's space of planar shapes
S Huckemann, T Hotz, A Munk
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32 (4), 593-603, 2010
Idealizing ion channel recordings by a jump segmentation multiresolution filter
T Hotz, OM Schütte, H Sieling, T Polupanow, U Diederichsen, C Steinem, ...
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 12 (4), 376-386, 2013
Modeling the growth of fingerprints improves matching for adolescents
C Gottschlich, T Hotz, R Lorenz, S Bernhardt, M Hantschel, A Munk
Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on 6 (3), 1165-1169, 2011
What is special about patients with lung cancer and pulmonary metastases in palliative care? Results from a nationwide survey
B Alt-Epping, AE Stäritz, ST Simon, N Altfelder, T Hotz, G Lindena, ...
Journal of Palliative Medicine 15 (9), 971-977, 2012
Antibody response using six different serological assays in a completely PCR-tested community after a coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak—the CoNAN study
S Weis, A Scherag, M Baier, M Kiehntopf, T Kamradt, S Kolanos, J Ankert, ...
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 27 (3), 470. e1-470. e9, 2021
How to coordinate vaccination and social distancing to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks
SM Grundel, S Heyder, T Hotz, TKS Ritschel, P Sauerteig, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 20 (2), 1135-1157, 2021
Multiscale DNA partitioning: statistical evidence for segments
A Futschik, T Hotz, A Munk, H Sieling
Bioinformatics, btu180, 2014
Huiling Le, JS Marron, Jonathan C. Mattingly, Ezra Miller, James Nolen, Megan Owen, Vic Patrangenaru, and Sean Skwerer. Sticky central limit theorems on open books
T Hotz, S Huckemann
Annals of Applied Probability 23, 2238-2258, 2013
Principal component geodesics for planar shape spaces
S Huckemann, T Hotz
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100 (4), 699-714, 2009
Locally adaptive image denoising by a statistical multiresolution criterion
T Hotz, P Marnitz, R Stichtenoth, L Davies, Z Kabluchko, A Munk
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (3), 543-558, 2012
Monitoring the spread of COVID-19 by estimating reproduction numbers over time
T Hotz, M Glock, S Heyder, S Semper, A Böhle, A Krämer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.08557, 2020
Grid-Free Direction-of-Arrival estimation with compressed sensing and arbitrary antenna arrays
S Semper, F Roemer, T Hotz, G Del Galdo
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
How much testing and social distancing is required to control COVID-19? Some insight based on an age-differentiated compartmental model
S Grundel, S Heyder, T Hotz, TKS Ritschel, P Sauerteig, K Worthmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.01282, 2020
Short-term forecasting of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland during the second wave–a preregistered study
J Bracher, D Wolffram, J Deuschel, K Goergen, JL Ketterer, A Ullrich, ...
medRxiv, 2020
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