Marc-Élie Adaimé
Marc-Élie Adaimé
Smithsonian Institution - Data Science Lab
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Remote sensing of lake sediment core particle size using hyperspectral image analysis
H Ghanbari, O Jacques, MÉ Adaïmé, I Gregory-Eaves, D Antoniades
Remote Sensing 12 (23), 3850, 2020
Deep learning approaches to the phylogenetic placement of extinct pollen morphotypes
MÉ Adaïmé, S Kong, SW Punyasena
PNAS Nexus 3 (1), pgad419, 2024
Postglacial palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Fury and Hecla Strait region (Nunavut) inferred from microfossils and geochemical proxies
MÉ Adaïmé, R Pienitz, P Legendre, D Antoniades
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2021
Reconstructing the diversity dynamics of paleo-grasslands using deep learning on superresolution images of fossil Poaceae pollen
MÉ Adaimé, S Kong, MA Urban, FA Street-Perrott, D Verschuren, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 23.612957, 2024
Pollen of Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae): airyscan confocal superresolution images. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
SW Punyasena, MA Urban, ME Adaïmé, I Romero, C Jaramillo
Pollen morphology, deep learning, phylogenetics, and the evolution of environmental adaptations in Podocarpus
MÉ Adaimé, MA Urban, S Kong, C Jaramillo, SW Punyasena
bioRxiv, 2025.01. 07.631571, 2025
Pollen of Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae): Airyscan confocal superresolution images
SW Punyasena, MA Urban, MÉ Adaimé, I Romero, C Jaramillo
Illinois Data Bank, 2023
Post-glacial climatic and environmental changes in the Fury and Hecla Strait region based on biological and geochemical proxies.
R Pienitz, MÉ Adaïmé
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique postglaciaire de la région du détroit de Fury et Hecla, Nunavut
ME Adaïmé
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