Bin Yan
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Predicting thermal and energy performance of mixed-mode ventilation using an integrated simulation approach
A Malkawi, B Yan, Y Chen, Z Tong
Building Simulation 9 (3), 335-346, 2016
Decentralized and distributed temperature control via HVAC systems in energy efficient buildings
X Zhang, W Shi, B Yan, A Malkawi, N Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.03308, 2017
Quantifying uncertainty in outdoor air flow control and its impacts on building performance simulation and fault detection
B Yan, X Li, AM Malkawi, G Augenbroe
Energy and Buildings 134, 115-128, 2017
Zero-carbon balance: The case of HouseZero
J Grinham, H Fjeldheim, B Yan, TD Helge, K Edwards, T Hegli, A Malkawi
Building and Environment 207, 108511, 2022
Decentralized Temperature Control via HVAC Systems in Energy Efficient Buildings: An Approximate Solution Procedure
X Zhang, W Shi, X Li, B Yan, A Malkawi, N Li
2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 2016
Comprehensive assessment of operational performance of coupled natural ventilation and thermally active building system via an extensive sensor network
B Yan, X Han, A Malkawi, TH Dokka, P Howard, J Knowles, T Hegli, ...
Energy and Buildings 260, 111921, 2022
Forecasting Building Energy Demand under Uncertainty Using Gaussian Process Regression: Feature Selection, Baseline Prediction, Parametric Analysis and a Web-based Tool
B Yan, X Li, W Shi, X Zhang, A Malkawi
Proceedings of the 15th International Building Performance Simulation …, 2017
A Bayesian approach for predicting building cooling and heating consumption and applications in fault detection
B Yan
University of Pennsylvania, 2013
Distributed Temperature Control via Geothermal Heat Pump Systems in Energy Efficient Buildings
X Zhang, W Shi, Q Hu, B Yan, A Malkawi, N Li
2017 American Control Conference, 2017
A Bayesian approach for predicting building cooling and heating consumption
B Yan, AM Malkawi
Proceedings of 13th International Building Performance Simulation …, 2013
Case Study of applying different energy use modeling methods to an existing building
B Yan, AM Malkawi, YK Yi
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association …, 2011
Predicting System Performance with Uncertainty
B Yan, A Malkawi
Twelfth International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO …, 2012
刘加根, 严玢, 余琼
建筑科学 25 (2), 35-38, 2009
Community-level Geothermal Heat Pump system management via an aggregation-disaggregation framework
X Zhang, B Yan, W Shi, A Malkawi, QS Jia, N Li
Decision and Control (CDC), 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on, 3487-3494, 2017
A Method For Estimating Cooling Energy Savings Potential From Using Mixed-Mode Ventilation
B Yan, A Malkawi, Y Chen
14th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association …, 2015
北京: 清华大学 8, E5, 2010
PROBE-PM: A new way to simulate particle transport in ventilation systems
B Zhao, Y Wang, B Yan
Building Simulation 1 (2), 158-168, 2008
A multiscalar and multi-thematic comparative content analysis of existing urban sustainability rating systems
E Vanz, M Mostafavi, M Mayer, A Wang, B Yan
The 9th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism, 2016
Case study of energy diagnosis simulation of VAV AHU system controls
B Yan, AM Malkawi, Y Zhang, J Xia
Eleventh International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Case Study of Building Eenergy Use Pattern Analysis
B Yan, JJ Xia, AM Malkawi
7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, 2011
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