A. J. Alsahaf
A. J. Alsahaf
Sonstige NamenAhmad Mohammed Jawad Alsahaf, Ahmad Alsahaf
University Medical Center Groningen
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Zitiert von
A framework for feature selection through boosting
A Alsahaf, N Petkov, V Shenoy, G Azzopardi
Expert Systems with Applications 187, 115895, 2022
Segmentation in large-scale cellular electron microscopy with deep learning: A literature survey
A Aswath, A Alsahaf, BNG Giepmans, G Azzopardi
Medical image analysis, 102920, 2023
Estimation of muscle scores of live pigs using a kinect camera
A Alsahaf, G Azzopardi, B Ducro, E Hanenberg, RF Veerkamp, N Petkov
IEEE Access 7, 52238-52245, 2019
Prediction of slaughter age in pigs and assessment of the predictive value of phenotypic and genetic information using random forest
A Alsahaf, G Azzopardi, B Ducro, E Hanenberg, RF Veerkamp, N Petkov
Journal of animal science 96 (12), 4935-4943, 2018
Predicting slaughter weight in pigs with regression tree ensembles
A Alsahaf, G Azzopardi, B Ducro, RF Veerkamp, N Petkov
Applications of Intelligent Systems, 1-9, 2018
Assigning pigs to uniform target weight groups using machine learning: ProceedingsoftheWorldCongressonGeneticsAppliedtoLivestockProduction, 11.112
A Alsahaf, B Ducro, R Veerkamp, G Azzopardi, N Petkov
World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 2018
COFI-Coarse-semantic to fine-instance unsupervised mitochondria segmentation in EM
A Aswath, A Alsahaf, BD Westenbrink, BNG Giepmans, G Azzopardi
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 87-97, 2023
Pre-insemination prediction of dystocia in dairy cattle
A Alsahaf, R Gheorghe, AM Hidalgo, N Petkov, G Azzopardi
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 210, 105812, 2023
Estimation of live muscle scores of pigs with RGB-D images and machine learning
A Alsahaf, G Azzopardi, N Petkov
Scientific Symposium FAIR Data Sciences for Green Life Sciences, 1-1, 2018
Automated analysis of ultrastructure through large-scale hyperspectral electron microscopy
BH Duinkerken, AMJ Alsahaf, JP Hoogenboom, BNG Giepmans
npj Imaging 2 (1), 1-9, 2024
Spectral Unmixing of Ultrastructure in Large-scale Electron Microscopy
AMJ Alsahaf, BH Peter Duinkerken, JP Hoogenboom, BNG Giepmans
Microscopy and Microanalysis 30 (Supplement_1), ozae044. 489, 2024
Interactive Segmentation of biostructures through hyperspectral electron microscopy
A Aswath, P Duinkerken, B Giepmans, G Azzopardi, AMJA Alsahaf
14th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in …, 2024
fseval: A Benchmarking Framework for Feature Selection and Feature Ranking Algorithms
JGS Overschie, A Alsahaf, G Azzopardi
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (79), 4611, 2022
Feature selection and intelligent livestock management
A Alsahaf
Predicting slaughter age in pigs using random forest regression
A Alsahaf, G Azzopardi, B Ducro, R Veerkamp, N Petkov
Applications of Intelligent Systems 2018, 2018
Yielding physically-interpretable emulators-A Sparse PCA approach
S Galelli, A Alsahaf, M Giuliani, A Castelletti
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H52B-03, 2015
Model reduction of process-based hydro-ecological models: a comparison between projection-and selection-based methods
A Alsahaf, M Giuliani, S Galelli, A Castelletti
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5210, 2015
Projection vs. selection-based model reduction for emulation modeling in water resources planning and management problems
A Alsahaf
Italy, 2014
Projection-vs. selection-based model reduction of complex hydro-ecological models
S Galelli, M Giuliani, A Castelletti, A Alsahaf
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, H31J-0759, 2014
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