Anne Magaly de Paula Canuto
Anne Magaly de Paula Canuto
Federal University of RN
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Investigating the influence of the choice of the ensemble members in accuracy and diversity of selection-based and fusion-based methods for ensembles
AMP Canuto, MCC Abreu, L de Melo Oliveira, JC Xavier Jr, AM Santos
Pattern recognition letters 28 (4), 472-486, 2007
Using accuracy and diversity to select classifiers to build ensembles
RGF Soares, A Santana, AMP Canuto, MCP de Souto
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings …, 2006
Combining neural networks and fuzzy logic for applications in character recognition.
AMP Canuto
University of Kent at Canterbury, 2001
Investigating fusion approaches in multi-biometric cancellable recognition
AMP Canuto, F Pintro, JC Xavier-Junior
Expert Systems with applications 40 (6), 1971-1980, 2013
A comparative analysis of classification methods to multi-label tasks in different application domains
AM Santos, AMP Canuto, AF Neto
International journal of computer Information systems and Industrial …, 2011
A comparative analysis of genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization to select attributes for an heterogeneous ensemble of classifiers
LEA Santana, L Silva, AMP Canuto, F Pintro, KO Vale
IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 1-8, 2010
Filter-based optimization techniques for selection of feature subsets in ensemble systems
LEAS Santana, AM de Paula Canuto
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (4), 1622-1631, 2014
A dynamic classifier selection method to build ensembles using accuracy and diversity
A Santana, RGF Soares, AMP Canuto, MCP de Souto
2006 Ninth Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN'06), 36-41, 2006
Integrating complementary techniques for promoting diversity in classifier ensembles: A systematic study
DSC Nascimento, ALV Coelho, AMP Canuto
Neurocomputing 138, 347-357, 2014
Combining multiple algorithms in classifier ensembles using generalized mixture functions
VS Costa, ADS Farias, B Bedregal, RHN Santiago, AMP Canuto
Neurocomputing 313, 402-414, 2018
A genetic-based approach to features selection for ensembles using a hybrid and adaptive fitness function
AMP Canuto, DSC Nascimento
The 2012 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2012
A generalized average linkage criterion for Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering
LR Emmendorfer, AM de Paula Canuto
Applied Soft Computing 100, 106990, 2021
An interval-based framework for fuzzy clustering applications
L Silva, R Moura, AMP Canuto, RHN Santiago, B Bedregal
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23 (6), 2174-2187, 2015
Empirical comparison of dynamic classifier selection methods based on diversity and accuracy for building ensembles
MCP de Souto, RGF Soares, A Santana, AMP Canuto
2008 IEEE international joint conference on neural networks (IEEE world …, 2008
A comparative analysis of feature selection methods for ensembles with different combination methods
LEA Santana, DF de Oliveira, AMP Canuto, MCP de Souto
2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 643-648, 2007
A 3D serious game for medical students training in clinical cases
RM de Lima, A de Medeiros Santos, FMM Neto, AF de Sousa Neto, ...
2016 ieee international conference on serious games and applications for …, 2016
Use of multi-objective genetic algorithms to investigate the diversity/accuracy dilemma in heterogeneous ensembles
DF de Oliveira, AMP Canuto, MCP de Souto
2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2339-2346, 2009
Applying the coral reefs optimization algorithm to clustering problems
IG Medeiros, JC Xavier, AMP Canuto
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2015
Applying semi-supervised learning in hierarchical multi-label classification
A Santos, A Canuto
Expert systems with applications 41 (14), 6075-6085, 2014
An investigation of the effects of variable vigilance within the repart neuro-fuzzy network
A Canuto, G Howells, M Fairhurst
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 29, 317-334, 2000
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