Alon Samach
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Distinct Roles of CONSTANS Target Genes in Reproductive Development of Arabidopsis
A Samach, H Onouchi, SE Gold, GS Ditta, Z Schwarz-Sommer, ...
Science 288 (5471), 1613-1616, 2000
Photoreceptor regulation of CONSTANS protein in photoperiodic flowering
F Valverde, A Mouradov, W Soppe, D Ravenscroft, A Samach, ...
Science 303 (5660), 1003-1006, 2004
The late elongated hypocotyl mutation of Arabidopsis disrupts circadian rhythms and the photoperiodic control of flowering
R Schaffer, N Ramsay, A Samach, S Corden, J Putterill, IA Carré, ...
Cell 93 (7), 1219-1229, 1998
GIGANTEA: a circadian clock-controlled gene that regulates photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis and encodes a protein with several possible membrane-spanning domains
S Fowler, K Lee, H Onouchi, A Samach, K Richardson, B Morris, ...
The EMBO journal 18 (17), 4679-4688, 1999
CONSTANS and the CCAAT Box Binding Complex Share a Functionally Important Domain and Interact to Regulate Flowering of Arabidopsis
S Wenkel, F Turck, K Singer, L Gissot, J Le Gourrierec, A Samach, ...
The Plant Cell 18 (11), 2971-2984, 2006
Arabidopsis KNOXI proteins activate cytokinin biosynthesis
O Yanai, E Shani, K Dolezal, P Tarkowski, R Sablowski, G Sandberg, ...
Current Biology 15 (17), 1566-1571, 2005
The UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS gene of Arabidopsis thaliana is an F‐box protein required for normal patterning and growth in the floral meristem
A Samach, JE Klenz, SE Kohalmi, E Risseeuw, GW Haughn, WL Crosby
The Plant Journal 20 (4), 433-445, 1999
The CCAAT binding factor can mediate interactions between CONSTANS‐like proteins and DNA
O Ben‐Naim, R Eshed, A Parnis, P Teper‐Bamnolker, A Shalit, ...
The Plant Journal 46 (3), 462-476, 2006
The NAC-domain transcription factor GOBLET specifies leaflet boundaries in compound tomato leaves
Y Berger, S Harpaz-Saad, A Brand, H Melnik, N Sirding, JP Alvarez, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 136 (5), 823-832, 2009
The BELL1 gene encodes a homeodomain protein involved in pattern formation in the Arabidopsis ovule primordium
L Reiser, Z Modrusan, L Margossian, A Samach, N Ohad, GW Haughn, ...
Cell 83 (5), 735-742, 1995
The Flowering Integrator FT Regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL Accumulation in Arabidopsis Leaves
P Teper-Bamnolker, A Samach
The Plant Cell 17 (10), 2661-2675, 2005
The Arabidopsis BELL1 and KNOX TALE homeodomain proteins interact through a domain conserved between plants and animals
M Bellaoui, MS Pidkowich, A Samach, K Kushalappa, SE Kohalmi, ...
The Plant Cell 13 (11), 2455-2470, 2001
Time measurement and the control of flowering in plants
A Samach, G Coupland
Bioessays 22 (1), 38-47, 2000
Ambient temperature perception in plants
A Samach, PA Wigge
Current opinion in plant biology 8 (5), 483-486, 2005
Constraints to obtaining consistent annual yields in perennial tree crops. I: Heavy fruit load dominates over vegetative growth
HM Smith, A Samach
Plant Science 207, 158-167, 2013
Development of a transgenic early flowering pear (Pyrus communis L.) genotype by RNAi silencing of PcTFL1-1 and PcTFL1-2
A Freiman, L Shlizerman, S Golobovitch, Z Yablovitz, R Korchinsky, ...
Planta 235, 1239-1251, 2012
Overexpression of the CBF2 transcriptional activator in Arabidopsis delays leaf senescence and extends plant longevity
M Sharabi-Schwager, A Lers, A Samach, CL Guy, R Porat
Journal of experimental botany 61 (1), 261-273, 2010
Postharvest heat and conditioning treatments activate different molecular responses and reduce chilling injuries in grapefruit
M Sapitnitskaya, P Maul, GT McCollum, CL Guy, B Weiss, A Samach, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (12), 2943-2953, 2006
Constraints to obtaining consistent annual yields in perennials. II: Environment and fruit load affect induction of flowering
A Samach, HM Smith
Plant Science 207, 168-176, 2013
Divergence of function and regulation of class B floral organ identity genes.
A Samach, SE Kohalmi, P Motte, R Datla, GW Haughn
The Plant Cell 9 (4), 559-570, 1997
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