Camila Araújo
Camila Araújo
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Characterizing videos, audience and advertising in Youtube channels for kids
CS Araújo, G Magno, W Meira, V Almeida, P Hartung, D Doneda
Social Informatics: 9th International Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK …, 2017
It is not just a picture: Revealing some user practices in Instagram
C Araújo, D Correa, L Paulo, AP Couto da Silva, R Oliveira Prates, ...
Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2014 9th Latin American, 19-23, 2014
Identifying Stereotypes in the Online Perception of Physical Attractiveness
C Araújo, W Meira Jr, V Almeida
Social Informatics, pp.419-437, 2016
Stereotypes in Search Engine Results: Understanding The Role of Local and Global Factors
G Magno, CS Araújo, W Meira Jr, V Almeida
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.05413, 2016
The Oblivion Problem: Exploiting Forgotten Items to Improve Recommendation Diversity.
F Mourão, C Fonseca, CS Araujo, W Meira Jr
DiveRS@ RecSys, 27-34, 2011
What surprises does your past have for you?
F Mourão, L Rocha, C Araújo, W Meira Jr, J Konstan
Information Systems 71, 137-151, 2017
Identifying stereotypes in the online perception of physical attractiveness
CS Araujo
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2017
Um modelo baseado na evolução temporal de consumo e sua aplicação em domínios de recomendação
C Araújo, F Mourão, W Meira Jr
Revista de Iniciação Científica 14 (3), 2015
Someato: characterizing and exploiting behavior and interests of users in social media
C Araújo, F Mourão, W Meira Jr
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