Theodore Dejong
Theodore Dejong
Plant Sciences UC Davis
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Using L‐systems for modeling source–sink interactions, architecture and physiology of growing trees: the L‐PEACH model
MT Allen, P Prusinkiewicz, TM DeJong
New phytologist 166 (3), 869-880, 2005
PEACH: a simulation model of reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees
YL Grossman, TM DeJong
Tree physiology 14 (4), 329-345, 1994
Causes and consequences of overfertilization in orchards.
SA Weinbaum, RS Johnson, TM DeJong
Seasonal relationships between leaf nitrogen content (photosynthetic capacity) and leaf canopy light exposure in peach (Prunus persica)
TM DeJong, JF Doyle
Plant, Cell & Environment 8 (9), 701-706, 1985
Water stress and crop load effects on fruit fresh and dry weights in peach (Prunus persica)
ME Berman, TM DeJong
Tree physiology 16 (10), 859-864, 1996
Marine beach and dune plant communities
MG Barbour, TM De Jong, BM Pavlik
Physiological ecology of North American plant communities, 296-322, 1985
Modeling peach fruit growth and carbohydrate requirements: reevaluation of the double-sigmoid growth pattern.
TM DeJong, J Goudriaan
Maximum fruit growth potential and seasonal patterns of resource dynamics during peach growth
YL Grossman, TM DeJong
Annals of Botany 75 (6), 553-560, 1995
Patterns of soil and tree water status and leaf functioning during regulated deficit irrigation scheduling in peach
J Girona, M Mata, DA Goldhamer, RS Johnson, TM DeJong
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 118 (5), 580-586, 1993
Relationships between xylem vessel characteristics, calculated axial hydraulic conductance and size-controlling capacity of peach rootstocks
S Tombesi, RS Johnson, KR Day, TM DeJong
Annals of Botany 105 (2), 327-331, 2009
Long-term response of early maturing peach trees to postharvest water deficits
RS Johnson, DF Handley, TM DeJong
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 117 (6), 881-886, 1992
Salinity Induced Limitations on Photosynthesis in Prunus salicina, a Deciduous Tree Species
LH Ziska, JR Seemann, TM DeJong
Plant Physiology 93 (3), 864-870, 1990
Daily shoot extension growth of peach trees growing on rootstocks that reduce scion growth is related to daily dynamics of stem water potential
B Basile, J Marsal, TM DeJong
Tree Physiology 23 (10), 695-704, 2003
Influence of canopy light environment and nitrogen availability on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of field-grown nectarine trees
A Rosati, G Esparza, TM DeJong, RW Pearcy
Tree Physiology 19 (3), 173-180, 1999
Fruit effects on photosynthesis in Prunus persica
TM DeJong
Physiologia Plantarum 66 (1), 149-153, 1986
CO2 assimilation characteristics of five Prunus tree fruit species
TM DeJong
J. amer. Soc. hort. Sci 108 (2), 303-307, 1983
Capacity in Peach
TM DeJongº
J, Amer, Soc. Hort. Sci 107 (6), 955-959, 1982
Training and pruning system effects on vegetative growth potential, light interception, and cropping efficiency in peach trees
YL Grossman, TM DeJong
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 123 (6), 1058-1064, 1998
Maximum fruit growth potential following resource limitation during peach growth
YL Grossman, TM DeJong
Annals of Botany 75 (6), 561-567, 1995
Source-and sink-limited growth periods of developing peach fruits indicated by relative growth rate analysis
EW Pavel, TM DeJong
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 118 (6), 820-824, 1993
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