Benjamin Wielgosz
Benjamin Wielgosz
World Resources Institute (
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Shrinking the malaria map: progress and prospects
RGA Feachem, AA Phillips, J Hwang, C Cotter, B Wielgosz, ...
The Lancet 376 (9752), 1566-1578, 2010
Estimating the potential for expanding smallholder irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa
H Xie, L You, B Wielgosz, C Ringler
Agricultural Water Management 131, 183-193, 2014
Putting gender on the map: Methods for mapping gendered farm management systems in sub-Saharan Africa.
R Meinzen-Dick, BV Koppen, J Behrman, Z Karelina, V Akamandisa, ...
Malaria and agriculture: A global review of the literature with a focus on the application of integrated pest and vector management in East Africa and Uganda
B Wielgosz, M Mangheni, DW Tsegai, C Ringler
IFPRI Discussion Paper, 2012
Progress of constitutional change and irrigation management transfer in Pakistan: insights from a net-map exercise
AR Bell, NL Aberman, F Zaidi, B Wielgosz
Water International 38 (5), 515-535, 2013
Agro-ecology, household economics and malaria in Uganda: empirical correlations between agricultural and health outcomes
B Wielgosz, E Kato, C Ringler
Malaria journal 13, 1-11, 2014
Assessing the risks of soil erosion and small reservoir siltation in a tropical river basin in Mali using the SWAT model under limited data condition
H Xie, E Nkonya, B Wielgosz
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27 (6), 895-904, 2011
Baseline study of KickStart treadle pumps in East Africa
E Nkonya, L Iannotti, B Sakwa, B Wielgosz, V Gandhi, E Kato, A Peterman, ...
IFPRI, Washington, DC, 2011
Evaluation of the swat model in hydrologic modeling of a large watershed in Nigeria
H Xie, E Nkonya, B Wielgosz
Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED African Conference 686, 055-71, 2010
The policy landscape of agricultural water management in Pakistan
NL Aberman, NL Aberman, B Wielgosz, F Zaidi, C Ringler, AA Akram, ...
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2013
Malaria in Uganda: improved outcomes when the health sector joins forces with agriculture
B Wielgosz, MN Mangheni, D Tsegai, C Ringler
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2013
Putting Gender on the Map: Methods for Mapping Gendered Farm Management Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
L Hope, Z Karelina, B Wielgosz, R Meizen-Dick, J Behrman, ...
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2012
Agro-ecology, household economics and malaria in Uganda
B Wielgosz, E Kato, C Ringler
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