Daniele Gianni
Daniele Gianni
Research Fellow, European Space Agency
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Modeling and simulation-based systems engineering handbook
D Gianni, A D'Ambrogio, A Tolk
CRC Press, 2014
A software architecture to ease the development of distributed simulation systems
D Gianni, A D'Ambrogio, G Iazeolla
Simulation 87 (9), 819-836, 2011
A model-driven method for building distributed simulation systems from business process models
P Bocciarelli, A Pieroni, D Gianni, A D'Ambrogio
Proceedings of the 2012 winter simulation conference (WSC), 1-12, 2012
Sharing and reusing cardiovascular anatomical models over the Web: a step towards the implementation of the virtual physiological human project
D Gianni, S McKeever, T Yu, R Britten, H Delingette, A Frangi, P Hunter, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
A transformation approach to enact the design-time simulation of BPMN models
P Bocciarelli, A D'ambrogio, A Giglio, E Paglia, D Gianni
2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference, 199-204, 2014
A SaaS-based automated framework to build and execute distributed simulations from SysML models
P Bocciarelli, A D'Ambrogio, A Giglio, D Gianni
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 1371-1382, 2013
A simulation framework for the investigation of adaptive behaviours in largely populated building evacuation scenarios
D Gianni, G Loukas, E Gelenbe
The International Workshop on” Organized Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems …, 2008
Empowering business process simulation through automated model transformations.
P Bocciarelli, A D'Ambrogio, A Giglio, E Paglia, D Gianni
SpringSim (TMS-DEVS) 39, 2014
A layered architecture for the model-driven development of distributed simulators
D Gianni, A D'Ambrogio, G Iazeolla
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Simulation tools and …, 2008
A language to enable distributed simulation of extended queueing networks
D Gianni, A D’Ambrogio
Journal of Computers 2 (4), 76-86, 2007
Using CORBA to enhance HLA interoperability in distributed and web-based simulation
A D’Ambrogio, D Gianni
Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2004, 696-705, 2004
Distributed agent-based building evacuation simulator
A Filippoupolitis, E Gelenbe, D Gianni, L Hey, G Loukas, S Timotheou
Curran Associates, Inc., 2012
jEQN a Java-Based Language for the Distributed Simulation of Queueing Networks
A D’Ambrogio, D Gianni, G Iazeolla
Computer and Information Sciences–ISCIS 2006, 854-865, 2006
Bringing discrete event simulation concepts into multi-agent systems
D Gianni
Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2008. UKSIM 2008. Tenth International …, 2008
Introducing the european space agency architectural framework for space-based systems of systems engineering
D Gianni, N Lindman, J Fuchs, R Suzic
Complex Systems Design & Management: Proceedings of the Second International …, 2012
SimJ A Framework to Develop Distributed Simulators
A D Ambrogio, D Gianni, G Iazeolla
SIMULATION SERIES 38 (4), 149, 2006
A Methodology to Predict the Performance of Distributed Simulations
D Gianni, G Iazeolla, A D'Ambrogio
Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS), 2010 IEEE Workshop …, 2010
A MDA-based approach for the development of DEVS/SOA simulations
A D'Ambrogio, D Gianni, JL Risco-Martín, A Pieroni
Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 1-8, 2010
Distributed simulation of complex systems by use of an HLA-transparent simulation language
A D'Ambrogio, D Gianni, G Iazeolla, A Pieroni
System Simulation and Scientific Computing, 2008. ICSC 2008. Asia Simulation …, 2008
A Model Transformation Approach for the Development of HLA-based Distributed Simulation Systems.
A D'Ambrogio, G Iazeolla, A Pieroni, D Gianni
SIMULTECH, 155-160, 2011
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