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Explainable artificial intelligence for breast cancer: A visual case-based reasoning approach
JB Lamy, B Sekar, G Guezennec, J Bouaud, B Séroussi
Artificial intelligence in medicine 94, 42-53, 2019
Natural language processing in medicine: an overview
P Spyns
Methods of information in medicine 35 (04/05), 285-301, 1996
Rituximab-induced lung disease: a systematic literature review
H Lioté, F Lioté, B Séroussi, C Mayaud, J Cadranel
European Respiratory Journal 35 (3), 681-687, 2010
ONCODOC: a successful experiment of computer-supported guideline development and implementation in the treatment of breast cancer
B Séroussi, J Bouaud, ÉC Antoine
Artificial intelligence in medicine 22 (1), 43-64, 2001
Design and development of a mobile system for supporting emergency triage
W Michalowski, R Slowinski, S Wilk, KJ Farion, J Pike, S Rubin
Methods of Information in Medicine 44 (01), 14-24, 2005
Using OncoDoc as a computer-based eligibility screening system to improve accrual onto breast cancer clinical trials
B Séroussi, J Bouaud
Artificial intelligence in medicine 29 (1-2), 153-167, 2003
ASTI: a guideline-based drug-ordering system for primary care
B Séroussi, J Bouaud, H Dréau, H Falcoff, C Riou, M Joubert, C Simon, ...
MEDINFO 2001, 528-532, 2001
An ontology-based clinical decision support system for the management of patients with multiple chronic disorders
A Galopin, J Bouaud, S Pereira, B Seroussi
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 275-279, 2015
An algorithm directly finding the K most probable configurations in Bayesian networks
B Seroussi, JL Golmard
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 11 (3), 205-233, 1994
Toward a formalization of the process to select IMIA Yearbook best papers
JB Lamy, B Séroussi, N Griffon, G Kerdelhué, MC Jaulent, J Bouaud
Methods of information in medicine 54 (02), 135-144, 2015
The relative accuracy of a variety of medical diagnostic programs
BS Todd, R Stamper
Methods of information in medicine 33 (04), 402-416, 1994
Supporting multidisciplinary staff meetings for guideline-based breast cancer management: a study with OncoDoc2
B Séroussi, J Bouaud, J Gligorov, S Uzan
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2007, 656, 2007
From text to knowledge: a unifying document-centered view of analyzed medical language
P Zweigenbaum, J Bouaud, B Bachimont, J Charlet, B Seroussi, ...
Methods of Information in Medicine 37 (04/05), 384-393, 1998
A comparison of approaches to providing patients access to summary care records across old and new europe: an exploration of facilitators and barriers to implementation
S de Lusignan, P Ross, M Shifrin, M Hercigonja-Szekeres, B Seroussi
MEDINFO 2013, 397-401, 2013
A before-after study using OncoDoc, a guideline-based decision support-system on breast cancer management: impact upon physician prescribing behaviour
J Bouaud, B Séroussi, EC Antoine, L Zelek, M Spielmann
Studies in health technology and informatics, 420-424, 2001
The COVID-19 data exchange platform of the German university medicine
HU Prokosch, T Bahls, M Bialke, J Eils, C Fegeler, J Gruendner, ...
Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health, 674-678, 2022
Which breast cancer decisions remain non-compliant with guidelines despite the use of computerised decision support?
B Séroussi, C Laouénan, J Gligorov, S Uzan, F Mentré, J Bouaud
British journal of cancer 109 (5), 1147-1156, 2013
Artificial intelligence for surveillance in public health
R Thiébaut, S Cossin
Yearbook of medical informatics 28 (01), 232-234, 2019
Does GEM-encoding clinical practice guidelines improve the quality of knowledge bases? A study with the rule-based formalism
G Georg, B Séroussi, J Bouaud
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2003, 254, 2003
Adoption of a nationwide shared medical record in France: Lessons learnt after 5 years of deployment
B Séroussi, J Bouaud
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2016, 1100, 2017
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