Arnon Sturm
Arnon Sturm
Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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Exploring the ambient assisted living domain: a systematic review
D Calvaresi, D Cesarini, P Sernani, M Marinoni, AF Dragoni, A Sturm
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 8, 239-257, 2017
A framework for evaluating agent-oriented methodologies
A Sturm, O Shehory
International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems …, 2003
Evaluation of modeling techniques for agent-based systems
O Shehory, A Sturm
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Autonomous agents, 624-631, 2001
The challenge of real-time multi-agent systems for enabling IoT and CPS
D Calvaresi, M Marinoni, A Sturm, M Schumacher, G Buttazzo
Proceedings of the international conference on web intelligence, 356-364, 2017
Predicting gully initiation: comparing data mining techniques, analytical hierarchy processes and the topographic threshold
T Svoray, E Michailov, A Cohen, L Rokah, A Sturm
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (6), 607-619, 2012
Single-model method for specifying multi-agent systems
A Sturm, D Dori, O Shehory
Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2003
OPCAT-A Bimodal Case Tool for Object-Process Based System Development.
D Dori, I Reinhartz-Berger, A Sturm
ICEIS (3), 286-291, 2003
Extending the adaptability of reference models
I Reinhartz-Berger, P Soffer, A Sturm
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2010
Agent-oriented software engineering: reflections on architectures, methodologies, languages, and frameworks
O Shehory, A Sturm
Springer, 2014
A decision tree based recommender system
A Gershman, A Meisels, KH Lüke, L Rokach, A Schclar, A Sturm
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2010
Utilizing domain models for application design and validation
I Reinhartz-Berger, A Sturm
Information and Software Technology 51 (8), 1275-1289, 2009
Design methods for the new database era: a systematic literature review
N Roy-Hubara, A Sturm
Software and Systems Modeling 19 (2), 297-312, 2020
Organisational reference models: supporting an adequate design of local business processes
I Reinhartz-Berger, P Soffer, A Sturm
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 4 (2 …, 2009
Developing complex systems with object-process methodology using OPCAT
D Dori, I Reinhartz-Berger, A Sturm
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 570-572, 2003
Domain engineering
I Reinhartz-Berger, S Cohen, J Bettin, T Clark, A Sturm
Product Lines, Languages and Conceptual, 2013
A comparative evaluation of agent-oriented methodologies
A Sturm, O Shehory
Methodologies and Software Engineering for Agent Systems: The Agent-Oriented …, 2004
Enhancing UML models: a domain analysis approach
I Reinhartz-Berger, A Sturm
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 19 (1), 74-94, 2008
On deriving conceptual models from user requirements: An empirical study
F Dalpiaz, P Gieske, A Sturm
Information and Software Technology 131, 106484, 2021
A domain engineering approach to specifying and applying reference models
I Reinhartz-Berger, P Soffer, A Sturm
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2005
Agent-oriented software engineering: revisiting the state of the art
A Sturm, O Shehory
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: Reflections on Architectures …, 2014
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