Simon Ware
Simon Ware
Lead Data Scientist, Grab Holdings Inc
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Supervisor synthesis for networked discrete event systems with communication delays and lossy channels
Y Zhu, L Lin, S Ware, R Su
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6730-6735, 2019
Synthesis of supremal successful normal actuator attackers on normal supervisors
L Lin, S Thuijsman, Y Zhu, S Ware, R Su, M Reniers
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 5614-5619, 2019
Time optimal synthesis based upon sequential abstraction and its application to cluster tools
S Ware, R Su
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14 (2), 772-784, 2016
The use of language projection for compositional verification of discrete event systems
S Ware, R Malik
2008 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 322-327, 2008
Compositional synthesis of discrete event systems using synthesis abstraction
S Mohajerani, R Malik, S Ware, M Fabian
2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 1549-1554, 2011
Conflict-preserving abstraction of discrete event systems using annotated automata
S Ware, R Malik
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 22, 451-477, 2012
On the use of observation equivalence in synthesis abstraction
S Mohajerani, R Malik, S Ware, M Fabian
2011 3rd International Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, 84-89, 2011
Region-based prescriptive route guidance for travelers of multiple classes
AF Lentzakis, SI Ware, R Su, C Wen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 87, 138-158, 2018
Region-based dynamic forecast routing for autonomous vehicles
AF Lentzakis, SI Ware, R Su
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
Networked supervisor synthesis against lossy channels with bounded network delays as non-networked synthesis
L Lin, Y Zhu, R Tai, S Ware, R Su
Automatica 142, 110279, 2022
Incremental scheduling of discrete event systems
S Ware, R Su
2016 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), 147-152, 2016
Synchronous composition of finite interval automata
L Lin, R Su, BA Brandin, S Ware, Y Zhu, Y Sun
2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA …, 2019
Synthesis of successful actuator attackers on supervisors
L Lin, S Thuijsman, Y Zhu, S Ware, R Su, M Reniers
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.06720, 2018
A discrete event formulation for multi-robot collision avoidance on pre-planned trajectories
D Deplano, M Franceschelli, S Ware, S Rong, A Giua
IEEE Access 8, 92637-92646, 2020
A state-based characterisation of the conflict preorder
S Ware, R Malik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.0230, 2011
Compositional nonblocking verification using annotated automata
S Ware, R Malik
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (12), 364-369, 2010
On the computation of counterexamples in compositional nonblocking verification
R Malik, S Ware
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 30 (2), 301-334, 2020
Progressive events in supervisory control and compositional verification
S Ware, R Malik
Control Theory and Technology 12, 317-329, 2014
Time optimal synthesis based upon sequential abstraction and maximizing parallelism
S Ware, R Su
2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 926-931, 2017
Certainly unsupervisable states
S Ware, R Malik, S Mohajerani, M Fabian
Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems: Second International Workshop …, 2014
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