KJ Macartney
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Global community breaks at 60 m on mesophotic coral reefs
MP Lesser, M Slattery, JH Laverick, KJ Macartney, TC Bridge
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (10), 1403-1416, 2019
Cophylogeny and convergence shape holobiont evolution in sponge–microbe symbioses
M Sabrina Pankey, DC Plachetzki, KJ Macartney, M Gastaldi, M Slattery, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (6), 750-762, 2022
Depth‐dependent detritus production in the sponge, Halisarca caerulea
MP Lesser, B Mueller, MS Pankey, KJ Macartney, M Slattery, JM de Goeij
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (6), 1200-1216, 2020
Microbiome diversity and metabolic capacity determines the trophic ecology of the holobiont in Caribbean sponges
MP Lesser, MS Pankey, M Slattery, KJ Macartney, DJ Gochfeld
ISME communications 2 (1), 112, 2022
Trophic ecology of Caribbean sponges in the mesophotic zone
KJ Macartney, M Slattery, MP Lesser
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (4), 1113-1124, 2021
Low pH reduces the virulence of black band disease on Orbicella faveolata
EM Muller, NM Leporacci, KJ Macartney, AG Shea, RE Crane, ER Hall, ...
PLoS One 12 (6), e0178869, 2017
Using stable isotope analyses to assess the trophic ecology of scleractinian corals
MP Lesser, M Slattery, KJ Macartney
Oceans 3 (4), 527-546, 2022
Growth and feeding in the sponge Agelas tubulata from shallow to mesophotic depths on Grand Cayman Island
KJ Macartney, A Clayshulte Abraham, M Slattery, MP Lesser
Ecosphere 12 (9), e03764, 2021
Trophodynamics of the sclerosponge Ceratoporella nicholsoni along a shallow to mesophotic depth gradient
KJ Macartney, MS Pankey, M Slattery, MP Lesser
Coral Reefs 39, 1829-1839, 2020
Microbiome diversity and metabolic capacity determines the trophic ecology of the holobiont in Caribbean sponges. ISME COMMUN 2: 1–12
MP Lesser, M Sabrina Pankey, M Slattery, KJ Macartney, DJ Gochfeld
Biochemical variability in sponges across the Caribbean basin
A Clayshulte Abraham, DJ Gochfeld, K Macartney, A Mellor, MP Lesser, ...
Invertebrate Biology 140 (3), e12341, 2021
Quantifying sponge communities from shallow to mesophotic depths using orthorectified imagery
MP Lesser, M Slattery, KJ Macartney
Marine Biology 170 (9), 111, 2023
Variability in antimicrobial chemical defenses in the Caribbean sponge Agelas tubulata: implications for disease resistance and resilience
AC Abraham, DJ Gochfeld, B Avula, KJ Macartney, MP Lesser, M Slattery
Marine Ecology Progress Series 690, 51-64, 2022
Production of phytodetritus by a coral reef sponge increases from shallow to mesophotic depths
MP Lesser, KJ Macartney, M Slattery
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (6), 1247-1255, 2023
Phylosymbiosis and metabolomics resolve phenotypically plastic and cryptic sponge species in the genus Agelas across the Caribbean basin
MS Pankey, DJ Gochfeld, M Gastaldi, KJ Macartney, ...
Molecular Ecology 33 (8), e17321, 2024
Depth-dependent trophic strategies of Caribbean sponges on mesophotic coral reefs
KJ Macartney, MS Pankey, AC Abraham, M Slattery, MP Lesser
Marine Ecology Progress Series 693, 125-140, 2022
A New “Business as Usual” Climate Scenario and the Stress Response of the Caribbean Coral Montastraea cavernosa
MP Lesser, JK Jarett, CL Fiore, MM Thompson, MS Pankey, KJ Macartney
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 728, 2020
The trophic ecology of coral reef sponges in Caribbean mesophotic ecosystems
KJ Macartney
University of New Hampshire, 2020
Reply to Kahng, S.E. Comment on “Lesser et al. Using Stable Isotope Analyses to Assess the Trophic Ecology of Scleractinian Corals. Oceans 2022, 3, 527–546”
MP Lesser, M Slattery, KJ Macartney
Oceans 5 (3), 476-490, 2024
Correction: Quantifying sponge communities from shallow to mesophotic depths using orthorectified imagery
MP Lesser, M Slattery, KJ Macartney
Marine Biology 171 (2), 52, 2024
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